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12 I appeal to you, therefore, Achim b’Moshiach, through the rachamei Hashem (mercies of G-d), to present your geviyah (BERESHIS 47:18), all of your being as a korban chai (living sacrifice), kadosh (holy) and acceptable to Hashem (BERESHIS 8:21), which is your spiritual avodas kodesh service.

Stop allowing yourself to be conformed to the Olam Hazeh, but be transformed by your hitkhadshut (regeneration, renewal) of your mind, so that you may ascertain what is the ratzon Hashem (the will of G-d), what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of G-d.

For I say to all who are among you through the chesed (unmerited favor, grace) given to me, that you should avoid a false sense of superiority in your thinking; rather exercise shlitah atzmi (self-control), thinking with seichel, as G-d has measured to each a measure of emunah.

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12 I appeal to you, therefore, Achim b’Moshiach, through the rachamei Hashem (mercies of G-d), to present your geviyah (BERESHIS 47:18), all of your being as a korban chai (living sacrifice), kadosh (holy) and acceptable to Hashem (BERESHIS 8:21), which is your spiritual avodas kodesh service.

Stop allowing yourself to be conformed to the Olam Hazeh, but be transformed by your hitkhadshut (regeneration, renewal) of your mind, so that you may ascertain what is the ratzon Hashem (the will of G-d), what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of G-d.

For I say to all who are among you through the chesed (unmerited favor, grace) given to me, that you should avoid a false sense of superiority in your thinking; rather exercise shlitah atzmi (self-control), thinking with seichel, as G-d has measured to each a measure of emunah.

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