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First of all, modeh Ani (I thank) my G-d through Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua for all of you, because your emunah (faith), your bitachon, is being reported abroad b’chol haOlam (all over the world).

For der Oybershter is my eidus! (G-d is my witness!), Whom I serve with my neshamah in the Besuras HaGeulah of the Ben HaElohim of Hashem, how, when I daven, I constantly mention you in my tefillos,

10 Always making techinnah (supplication) and petitioning that I might somehow now at last efsher (perhaps) succeed im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd wills) to make my way to you.

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First of all, modeh Ani (I thank) my G-d through Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua for all of you, because your emunah (faith), your bitachon, is being reported abroad b’chol haOlam (all over the world).

For der Oybershter is my eidus! (G-d is my witness!), Whom I serve with my neshamah in the Besuras HaGeulah of the Ben HaElohim of Hashem, how, when I daven, I constantly mention you in my tefillos,

10 Always making techinnah (supplication) and petitioning that I might somehow now at last efsher (perhaps) succeed im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd wills) to make my way to you.

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