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18 Nu? Whether the maggidim are or are not perfect in their intent, the significant thing is that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is preached! And in this I have simcha. And I will go right on having simcha!

19 For, I have da’as that through your tefillos for me and through the ezrah (aid) given by the Ruach Moshiach, this will turn out for my Yeshu’ah (rescue, salvation 1:28; 2:12) [Ro 8:28].

20 It is my confident tikvah that in nothing I will be put to bushah (shame), but with all ometz lev (courage, boldness YEHOSHUA 1:7) as always, even now, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will be magnified in my basar (1:13), whether through Chayyim (Life) or through Mavet (Death).

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18 Nu? Whether the maggidim are or are not perfect in their intent, the significant thing is that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is preached! And in this I have simcha. And I will go right on having simcha!

19 For, I have da’as that through your tefillos for me and through the ezrah (aid) given by the Ruach Moshiach, this will turn out for my Yeshu’ah (rescue, salvation 1:28; 2:12) [Ro 8:28].

20 It is my confident tikvah that in nothing I will be put to bushah (shame), but with all ometz lev (courage, boldness YEHOSHUA 1:7) as always, even now, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will be magnified in my basar (1:13), whether through Chayyim (Life) or through Mavet (Death).

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