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12 As many as crave to be good preeners in the basar (Ro 2:29), these compel you (Goyim) to undergo bris milah; they (the mohalim of Goyim) do so only to avoid suffering redifah (persecution) for the Etz of Moshiach (DEVARIM 21:23).

13 For not even those of the party of the bris milah are shomer mitzvot themselves; they (the mohalim of Goyim) want you (Goyim) to undergo bris milah for the purpose of boasting in your basar!

14 But may it not be to me to boast, except in HaEtz HaMoshiach (DEVARIM 21:23) Yehoshua Adoneinu, through whom the Olam Hazeh has become nevelah talui al HaEtz (corpse hanging on the tree DEVARIM 21:23) to me, and I have become a nevelah talui al HaEtz (corpse hanging on the tree) to the Olam Hazeh.

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12 As many as crave to be good preeners in the basar (Ro 2:29), these compel you (Goyim) to undergo bris milah; they (the mohalim of Goyim) do so only to avoid suffering redifah (persecution) for the Etz of Moshiach (DEVARIM 21:23).

13 For not even those of the party of the bris milah are shomer mitzvot themselves; they (the mohalim of Goyim) want you (Goyim) to undergo bris milah for the purpose of boasting in your basar!

14 But may it not be to me to boast, except in HaEtz HaMoshiach (DEVARIM 21:23) Yehoshua Adoneinu, through whom the Olam Hazeh has become nevelah talui al HaEtz (corpse hanging on the tree DEVARIM 21:23) to me, and I have become a nevelah talui al HaEtz (corpse hanging on the tree) to the Olam Hazeh.

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