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Not with eye service as men-pleasers, being mehaneh (pleasing) to Bnei Adam, but as avadim (servants) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, doing the ratzon Hashem from your levavot.

Render your avodas kodesh service with a lev tov as avadim unto Adoneinu and not unto Bnei Adam,

Having da’as that whatever ma’aseh tov each one does, this he will receive back from Hashem, whether he is an eved or a Ben Chorin.

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Not with eye service as men-pleasers, being mehaneh (pleasing) to Bnei Adam, but as avadim (servants) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, doing the ratzon Hashem from your levavot.

Render your avodas kodesh service with a lev tov as avadim unto Adoneinu and not unto Bnei Adam,

Having da’as that whatever ma’aseh tov each one does, this he will receive back from Hashem, whether he is an eved or a Ben Chorin.

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