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But to each of us was given the Chen v’Chesed Hashem according to the measure of the Matnat HaMoshiach.

Therefore it says, ALITA LAMMAROM SHAVITA SHEVI LAKACHTA MATANOT ("You ascended to the height, you led captive, you received gifts" TEHILLIM 68:19 [18]), He has led captive a host of captives, He had brought matanot (gifts) to Bnei Adam.

Now if He "ASCENDED" what can it mean except that also He descended into the lower parts of ha’aretz?

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But to each of us was given the Chen v’Chesed Hashem according to the measure of the Matnat HaMoshiach.

Therefore it says, ALITA LAMMAROM SHAVITA SHEVI LAKACHTA MATANOT ("You ascended to the height, you led captive, you received gifts" TEHILLIM 68:19 [18]), He has led captive a host of captives, He had brought matanot (gifts) to Bnei Adam.

Now if He "ASCENDED" what can it mean except that also He descended into the lower parts of ha’aretz?

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