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12 So then Mavet works in us but Chayyim in you.

13 And having the same Ruach Hakodesh of emunah that is in accordance with the Kitvei Hakodesh, HE’EMANITI KI ADABER ("I believed, therefore I speak " TEHILLIM 116:10), we both believed and therefore we speak,

14 Having da’as that the One who made to stand up alive Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua will make us also with Yehoshua stand up alive and will present us with you. [Ro 8:11; 1C 6:14; 15:15,20]

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12 So then Mavet works in us but Chayyim in you.

13 And having the same Ruach Hakodesh of emunah that is in accordance with the Kitvei Hakodesh, HE’EMANITI KI ADABER ("I believed, therefore I speak " TEHILLIM 116:10), we both believed and therefore we speak,

14 Having da’as that the One who made to stand up alive Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua will make us also with Yehoshua stand up alive and will present us with you. [Ro 8:11; 1C 6:14; 15:15,20]

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