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19 But I will come shortly to you, im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd wills), and I will find out not the speech of the ones having been puffed up but the ko’ach (power).

20 For the Malchut Hashem depends not on the talk [of the ish sefatayim (the eloquent speaker)] but on ko’ach (power).

21 What do you want? That I should come to you, so to speak, with an abba’s switch or in ahavah and an anavat ruach (a spirit of meekness)?

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19 But I will come shortly to you, im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd wills), and I will find out not the speech of the ones having been puffed up but the ko’ach (power).

20 For the Malchut Hashem depends not on the talk [of the ish sefatayim (the eloquent speaker)] but on ko’ach (power).

21 What do you want? That I should come to you, so to speak, with an abba’s switch or in ahavah and an anavat ruach (a spirit of meekness)?

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