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Through which also you are brought to Yeshua’at Eloheinu, provided you hold fast to the dvar Torah which I proclaimed to you, unless you received it in vain (cf. 15:12-14, 10).

For I transmitted and handed on to you as authoritative Torah, rishon (first), that which was also transmitted and handed on to me as authoritative Torah (Ga 1:18): that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach died on behalf of avoneinu (our averos YESHAYAH 1:4, iniquities, gross wickedness, depravities) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (YESHAYAH 53:8-9; DANIEL 9:26),

And that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was buried in a kever (grave, burial place, YESHAYAH 53:9), and that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was raised in a Techiyah from the mesim on YOM HASHLISHI (BERESHIS 1:11-13 [T.N. Chag HaBikkurim Lev 23:10-11, see 1C 15:20]; SHEMOT 19:11,15-16; YEHOSHUA 1:11; BAMIDBAR 19:11 13; YONAH 1:17; HOSHEA 6:2; MELACHIM BAIS 20:5,8; EZRA 6:15) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (TEHILLIM 16:10),

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Through which also you are brought to Yeshua’at Eloheinu, provided you hold fast to the dvar Torah which I proclaimed to you, unless you received it in vain (cf. 15:12-14, 10).

For I transmitted and handed on to you as authoritative Torah, rishon (first), that which was also transmitted and handed on to me as authoritative Torah (Ga 1:18): that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach died on behalf of avoneinu (our averos YESHAYAH 1:4, iniquities, gross wickedness, depravities) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (YESHAYAH 53:8-9; DANIEL 9:26),

And that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was buried in a kever (grave, burial place, YESHAYAH 53:9), and that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was raised in a Techiyah from the mesim on YOM HASHLISHI (BERESHIS 1:11-13 [T.N. Chag HaBikkurim Lev 23:10-11, see 1C 15:20]; SHEMOT 19:11,15-16; YEHOSHUA 1:11; BAMIDBAR 19:11 13; YONAH 1:17; HOSHEA 6:2; MELACHIM BAIS 20:5,8; EZRA 6:15) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (TEHILLIM 16:10),

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