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29 His tachlis (purpose) is that no basar (fallen humanity sold under the power of slave master Chet Kadmon, Original Sin, Rom. 7:14) may boast before Hashem.

30 But you are of Hashem in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua who became to us chochmah (wisdom) from Hashem, our Tzidkanut (Righteousness) and our Kedushah (Holiness) and our Geulah LaOlam (Redemption to the world), [Jer 23:5,6; 33:16]

31 Al menat (in order that), as it has been written, YITHALLEL HAMITHALLEL B’HASHEM ("The one boasting let him boast in the L-rd" YIRMEYAH 9:23).[TEHILLIM 34:2; 44:8]

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29 His tachlis (purpose) is that no basar (fallen humanity sold under the power of slave master Chet Kadmon, Original Sin, Rom. 7:14) may boast before Hashem.

30 But you are of Hashem in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua who became to us chochmah (wisdom) from Hashem, our Tzidkanut (Righteousness) and our Kedushah (Holiness) and our Geulah LaOlam (Redemption to the world), [Jer 23:5,6; 33:16]

31 Al menat (in order that), as it has been written, YITHALLEL HAMITHALLEL B’HASHEM ("The one boasting let him boast in the L-rd" YIRMEYAH 9:23).[TEHILLIM 34:2; 44:8]

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