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15 Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the demut (BERESHIS 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the invisible G-d, the Bechor [TEHILLIM 89:27], the Yoresh (Heir) of kol hanivrah (all creation),

16 Because in Him were created all things in Shomayim and on Ha’Aretz, the visible and the nistar (hidden), whether thrones or dominions, whether rulers or authorities, all things through Him and for Him have been created. [TEHILLIM 33:6]

17 And Moshiach is before all things, and all things in Moshiach have been held together; [MISHLE 8:23-27; 30:4]

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15 Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the demut (BERESHIS 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the invisible G-d, the Bechor [TEHILLIM 89:27], the Yoresh (Heir) of kol hanivrah (all creation),

16 Because in Him were created all things in Shomayim and on Ha’Aretz, the visible and the nistar (hidden), whether thrones or dominions, whether rulers or authorities, all things through Him and for Him have been created. [TEHILLIM 33:6]

17 And Moshiach is before all things, and all things in Moshiach have been held together; [MISHLE 8:23-27; 30:4]

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