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Exercise the avodas hakodesh ministry of Ro’eh (Shepherd) on behalf of the Eder Hashem (Flock of G-d [YIRMEYAH 13:17]) among you, serving as Mashgichim Ruchaniyim (Spiritual Overseers), not unwillingly, for the sake of dishonest gelt, but willingly, eagerly, in conformity with Hashem,

Not as domineering the ones assigned by Hashem to your oversight, but being a mofet (example) for the tzon (flock).

After the Sar HaRo’im (Chief of Shepherds) has been manifested [1:20], you will receive the unfading Ateret HaKavod (Crown of Glory).

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Exercise the avodas hakodesh ministry of Ro’eh (Shepherd) on behalf of the Eder Hashem (Flock of G-d [YIRMEYAH 13:17]) among you, serving as Mashgichim Ruchaniyim (Spiritual Overseers), not unwillingly, for the sake of dishonest gelt, but willingly, eagerly, in conformity with Hashem,

Not as domineering the ones assigned by Hashem to your oversight, but being a mofet (example) for the tzon (flock).

After the Sar HaRo’im (Chief of Shepherds) has been manifested [1:20], you will receive the unfading Ateret HaKavod (Crown of Glory).

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