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Now, to say over, all of you be an agudah (bound together union) in your thinking, have achdus, be sympathetic, having ahavah (agape) for the Achim b’Moshiach [Tehillim 133:1], being tenderhearted men of mercy v’shiflei ruach (and lowly of spirit),

Not rendering ra’ah for ra’ah or lashon hora for lashon hora, but, fahkert (on the contrary), rendering a bracha (blessing), because to this tachlis (purpose) you were given your kri’ah (calling), that you may inherit a bracha (blessing).

10 HAISH HECHAFETZ CHAYYIM OHEV YAMIM LIROT TOV ("For the one wanting to love life and to see good days") NETZOR L’SHONECHA MERAH U’SFATECHA MIDABER MIRMAH ("Let him stop his tongue from speaking lashon hora and his lips from speaking remiyah [guile, fraud, deceit]."

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Now, to say over, all of you be an agudah (bound together union) in your thinking, have achdus, be sympathetic, having ahavah (agape) for the Achim b’Moshiach [Tehillim 133:1], being tenderhearted men of mercy v’shiflei ruach (and lowly of spirit),

Not rendering ra’ah for ra’ah or lashon hora for lashon hora, but, fahkert (on the contrary), rendering a bracha (blessing), because to this tachlis (purpose) you were given your kri’ah (calling), that you may inherit a bracha (blessing).

10 HAISH HECHAFETZ CHAYYIM OHEV YAMIM LIROT TOV ("For the one wanting to love life and to see good days") NETZOR L’SHONECHA MERAH U’SFATECHA MIDABER MIRMAH ("Let him stop his tongue from speaking lashon hora and his lips from speaking remiyah [guile, fraud, deceit]."

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