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Just so, Sarah submitted in mishma’at (obedience) to Avraham Avinu, calling him ADONI [BERESHIS 18:12]. You nashim became Sarah’s banot (daughters), if you act as nashei tzedek [2:15] and you fear no intimidation [MISHLE 3:25].

Likewise, Ba’alim (Husbands), dwell with them according to the da’as of the isha as a k’li rach (weaker vessel), showing them kavod as also being yoreshim together [3:9] of the mattanah (gift) of the Chen v’Chesed HaChayyim, so that your tefillos will not be hindered [3:12; 4:7].

Now, to say over, all of you be an agudah (bound together union) in your thinking, have achdus, be sympathetic, having ahavah (agape) for the Achim b’Moshiach [Tehillim 133:1], being tenderhearted men of mercy v’shiflei ruach (and lowly of spirit),

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Just so, Sarah submitted in mishma’at (obedience) to Avraham Avinu, calling him ADONI [BERESHIS 18:12]. You nashim became Sarah’s banot (daughters), if you act as nashei tzedek [2:15] and you fear no intimidation [MISHLE 3:25].

Likewise, Ba’alim (Husbands), dwell with them according to the da’as of the isha as a k’li rach (weaker vessel), showing them kavod as also being yoreshim together [3:9] of the mattanah (gift) of the Chen v’Chesed HaChayyim, so that your tefillos will not be hindered [3:12; 4:7].

Now, to say over, all of you be an agudah (bound together union) in your thinking, have achdus, be sympathetic, having ahavah (agape) for the Achim b’Moshiach [Tehillim 133:1], being tenderhearted men of mercy v’shiflei ruach (and lowly of spirit),

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