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12 EINEI ADONOI EL TZADDIKIM V’AZNAV EL SHAV’ATAM ("Because the tzaddikim are before the eyes of Hashem and His ears are open to their tefillos." P’NEI ADONOI B’OSEI RAH L’HACHRIT ME’A’RETZ ZICHRAM ("But the face of the L-rd is against the ones doing evil to cut off their memory from the earth" TEHILLIM 34:13-17).

13 And who is the one harming you if you have kana’ut (zeal) for HaTov (The Good)?

14 But if indeed you should suffer tzoros because of Tzidkat Hashem, you are blessed and happy. But do not fear their pachad (terror), neither be troubled.

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12 EINEI ADONOI EL TZADDIKIM V’AZNAV EL SHAV’ATAM ("Because the tzaddikim are before the eyes of Hashem and His ears are open to their tefillos." P’NEI ADONOI B’OSEI RAH L’HACHRIT ME’A’RETZ ZICHRAM ("But the face of the L-rd is against the ones doing evil to cut off their memory from the earth" TEHILLIM 34:13-17).

13 And who is the one harming you if you have kana’ut (zeal) for HaTov (The Good)?

14 But if indeed you should suffer tzoros because of Tzidkat Hashem, you are blessed and happy. But do not fear their pachad (terror), neither be troubled.

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