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And there were with them sixscore thousand of footmen fighters, and twelve thousand knights, without those men, that were there ready, which the captivity had occupied, and were brought from (the) provinces and cities, (out) of all (the) youth, or of able fighters. [There were forsooth footmen of fighters an hundred and twenty thousand, and horsemen twelve thousand, beside the ready companies of those men, whom captivity had occupied, and were brought from provinces and cities, of all youth.]

And all there together made them(selves) ready to (or for) battle against the sons of Israel; and they came by the side of an hill unto the cop, (or the top), or the height thereof, that beholdeth Dothan, from the place which is said Balbaim unto Cyamon, which is (over) against Esdraelon.

And the sons of Israel, as soon as they saw the multitude of them, they bowed down themselves upon the earth, and threw [or putting] ashes upon their heads, and they prayed with one will, that God of Israel should show his mercy upon his people.

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