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Then Deborah and Barak sang this song about the wonderful victory:

“Praise the Lord!

Israel’s leaders bravely led;

The people gladly followed!

Yes, bless the Lord!

Listen, O you kings and princes,

For I shall sing about the Lord,

The God of Israel.

When you led us out from Seir,

Out across the fields of Edom,

The earth trembled

And the sky poured down its rain.

Yes, even Mount Sinai quaked

At the presence of the God of Israel!

In the days of Shamgar and of Jael,

The main roads were deserted.

Travelers used the narrow, crooked side paths.

Israel’s population dwindled,

Until Deborah became a mother to Israel.

When Israel chose new gods,

Everything collapsed.

Our masters would not let us have

A shield or spear.

Among forty thousand men of Israel,

Not a weapon could be found!

How I rejoice

In the leaders of Israel

Who offered themselves so willingly!

Praise the Lord!

10 Let all Israel, rich and poor,

Join in his praises—

Those who ride on white donkeys

And sit on rich carpets,

And those who are poor and must walk.

11 The village musicians

Gather at the village well

To sing of the triumphs of the Lord.

Again and again they sing the ballad

Of how the Lord saved Israel

With an army of peasants!

The people of the Lord

Marched through the gates!

12 Awake, O Deborah, and sing!

Arise, O Barak!

O son of Abinoam, lead away your captives!

13-14 Down from Mount Tabor marched the noble remnant.

The people of the Lord

Marched down against great odds.

They came from Ephraim and Benjamin,

From Machir and from Zebulun.

15 Down into the valley

Went the princes of Issachar

With Deborah and Barak.

At God’s command they rushed into the valley.

(But the tribe of Reuben didn’t go.

16 Why did you sit at home among the sheepfolds,

Playing your shepherd pipes?

Yes, the tribe of Reuben has an uneasy conscience.

17 Why did Gilead remain across the Jordan,

And why did Dan remain with his ships?

And why did Asher sit unmoved

Upon the seashore,

At ease beside his harbors?)

18 But the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali

Dared to die upon the fields of battle.

19 The kings of Canaan fought in Taanach

By Megiddo’s springs,

But did not win the victory.

20 The very stars of heaven

Fought Sisera.

21 The rushing Kishon River

Swept them away.

March on, my soul, with strength!

22 Hear the stamping

Of the horsehoofs of the enemy!

See the prancing of his steeds!

23 But the Angel of Jehovah

Put a curse on Meroz.

‘Curse them bitterly,’ he said,

‘Because they did not come to help the Lord

Against his enemies.’

24 Blessed be Jael,

The wife of Heber the Kenite—

Yes, may she be blessed

Above all women who live in tents.

25 He asked for water

And she gave him milk in a beautiful cup!

26 Then she took a tent pin and a workman’s hammer

And pierced Sisera’s temples,

Crushing his head.

She pounded the tent pin through his head.

27 He sank, he fell, he lay dead at her feet.

28 The mother of Sisera watched through the window

For his return.

‘Why is his chariot so long in coming?

Why don’t we hear the sound of the wheels?’

29 But her ladies-in-waiting—and she herself—replied,

30 ‘There is much loot to be divided,

And it takes time.

Each man receives a girl or two;

And Sisera will get gorgeous robes,

And he will bring home

Many gifts for me.’

31 O Lord, may all your enemies

Perish as Sisera did,

But may those who love the Lord

Shine as the sun!”

After that there was peace in the land for forty years.

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