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Judas, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to these that be loved, that be in God the Father, and to them that be called and kept of Jesus Christ [and of Jesus Christ kept and called],

mercy, and peace, and charity be filled to you. [mercy to you, and peace, and charity be full-filled.]

Most dear brethren [Most dear], I doing all busyness to write to you of your common health, had need to write to you, and pray to strive strongly for the faith that is once taken to saints [for the faith once betaken to saints].

For some unfaithful men privily entered, that sometime were before-written into this doom, and overturn the grace of our God into lechery, and deny him that is only a Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ. [Forsooth some men privily entered, that sometime were before-written into this doom, unpious men, overturning the grace of our God into lechery, and denying the alone lordshipper and our Lord Jesus Christ.]

But I will admonish you once, that know all things, that Jesus saved his people from the land of Egypt, and the second time destroyed them that believed not. [Forsooth I will together admonish you, witting once all things, for Jesus saving his people of the land of Egypt, the second time lost them that believed not.]

And he reserved under darkness angels, that kept not their princehood, but forsook their house, into the doom of the great God, into everlasting bonds. [Soothly angels that kept not his princehood, but forsook his house, he reserved into the doom of great God, in everlasting bonds under darkness.]

As Sodom, and Gomorrha, and the nigh coasted cities, that in like manner did fornication, and went away after other flesh, and be made ensample, suffering pain of everlasting fire.[a]

In like manner also these that defoul the flesh, and despise lordship, and blaspheme majesty.

When Michael, archangel, disputed with the devil, and strove of Moses' body [When Michael, the archangel, disputing with the devil, strove of Moses' body], he was not hardy to bring in doom of blasphemy, but said, The Lord command to thee.

10 But these men blaspheme [Forsooth these blaspheme], whatever things they know not. For whatever things they know naturally as dumb beasts [Forsooth whatever things they know by kind as dumb beasts], in these they be corrupt.

11 Woe to them that went the way of Cain, and that be shed out by error of Balaam for meed, and perished in the gainsaying of Core [and perished in the again-saying of Core].

12 These be in their meats, feasting together to filth [These be in their meats filths, or defoulings, feasting together], without dread feeding themselves. These be clouds without water, that be borne about of winds; harvest trees without fruit, twice dead, drawn up by the root;

13 waves of the mad sea, foaming out their confusions; erring stars, to which the tempest of darknesses is kept without end. [waves of the wild, or mad, sea, frothing out their confusions; erring stars, to whom the tempest of darknesses is kept into without end.]

14 But Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, and said [saying], Lo! the Lord cometh with his holy thousands,

15 to do doom against all men, and to reprove all unfaithful men of all the works of the wickedness of them, by which they did wickedly, and of all the hard words, that wicked sinners have spoken against God.[b]

16 These be grumblers full of plaints [These be grutchers plaining, or full of plaints], wandering after their desires; and the mouth of them speaketh pride, worshipping persons, because of winning [by cause of winning].

17 And ye, most dear brethren, be mindful of the words [Forsooth, ye most dear, be ye mindful of the words], which be before-said of [the] apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 which said to you, that in the last times there shall come beguilers [there shall come scorners], wandering after their own desires, not in piety.

19 These be, which separate themselves, beastly men, not having Spirit. [These be, the which separate themselves, beastly, not having Spirit.]

20 But ye, most dear brethren, above build yourselves on your most holy faith, and pray ye in the Holy Ghost,[c]

21 and keep yourselves in the love of God, and abide ye the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ into life everlasting. [keep yourselves in the love of God, abiding the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ into life everlasting.]

22 And reprove ye these men that be deemed,

23 but save ye them, and take ye them from the fire. And do ye mercy to other men, in the dread of God, and hate ye also that defouled coat, which is fleshly.[d]

24 But to him that is mighty to keep you without sin, and to ordain before the sight of his glory you unwemmed in full out joy,

25 in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God alone our Saviour, by Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, and magnifying, empire, and power, before all worlds, and now, and into all worlds of worlds. Amen.


  1. Jude 1:7 As Sodom, and Gomorrha, and nigh coasted cities, in like manner doing fornication, and going away after other flesh, be made example, suffering pain of everlasting fire.
  2. Jude 1:15 for to do doom against all, and to reprove all unpious men of all the works of the unpiety of them, by which they did unpiously, and of all hard words, that unpious sinners have spoken against God.
  3. Jude 1:20 Forsooth ye, most dear, above building yourselves on your most holy faith, in the Holy Ghost praying,
  4. Jude 1:23 forsooth save ye them, snatching them of the fire. Soothly do ye mercy to others in dread of God, hating and that defouled coat, that is flesh.