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Mɨ˜ caˈéeˉ jaangˋ dseamɨ́ˋ jmɨɨˋ jmeafɨɨˋ tɨɨˉ Jesús

12  Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋguɨ lajo̱, jñʉ́ʉˉ jmɨɨb˜ jmóoˋguɨ e nitɨ́ˉ e jmɨɨ˜ Pascua quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel do, jo̱ cangóbˉtu̱ Jesús fɨˊ Betania e cangoˈeeˇtu̱r Lázaro i̱ cajméerˋ e cají̱ˈˊtu̱ ie˜ lamɨ˜ jéengˊguɨ do. Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ caguiérˉ fɨˊ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do, i̱ dseaˋ seengˋ fɨˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ do cajméerˋ co̱o̱ˋ jmɨɨ˜ e jmɨˈgórˋ Jesús, jo̱baˈ cagǿˈrˋ co̱lɨɨng˜ ie˜ canʉʉˋ e jmɨɨ˜ jo̱; jo̱ dob guiing˜ Lázaro e gøˈrˊ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ do cajo̱, jo̱guɨ i̱ rúiñˈˋ i̱ siiˋ Marta do, íbˋ i̱ jmóoˋ ta˜ ngɨ́ɨngˋ jmiñiˇ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ neáangˊ gøˈˊ do ie˜ jo̱. Jo̱ lajeeˇ guiing˜ Jesús gøˈrˊ, co̱o̱ˋ caguiébˉ Yሠi̱ rúngˈˋ Lázaro fɨˊ lɨ˜ guiing˜ dseaˋ do, jo̱ quie̱rˊ co̱o̱ˋ dsʉʉˉ niguoˈˆ e a˜ trescientos gramos jmɨɨˋ jmeafɨɨˋ e lɨ́ɨˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ layaang˜ nardo e ˈmoˈˆ eáangˊ, jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ e jo̱b caˈéerˉ fɨˊ tɨɨˉ Jesús lajeeˇ e guiing˜ dseaˋ do gøˈrˊ; jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, cajmiquiʉ̱́ˈrˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jñʉguir˜. Jo̱ latøømˉ e fɨˊ dsíiˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ do cajóˉ jmeáˋ quiáˈˉ e jmɨɨˋ jmeafɨɨˋ do ie˜ jo̱. Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangoyúungˈ˜ e jo̱, jaangˋ lajeeˇ dseaˋ guitúungˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús i̱ siiˋ Judas Iscariote i̱ nɨsɨˈíˆ i̱ niˈnɨ́ngˉ dseaˋ do, lalab cajíngˈˉ íˋ ie˜ jo̱:

—¿Jialɨˈˊ jaˋ mɨˊ cangoˈnɨɨ˜ e jmɨɨˋ jmeafɨɨˋ la có̱o̱ˈ˜ ˈnɨˊ ciento cuteeˋ e laco̱ˈ nilɨseaˋ cuuˉ e nilɨcó̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ tiñíingˉ?

Jo̱ cajíngˈˉ Judas Iscariote e jo̱ dsʉˈ o̱ˈ jáˈˉ dseángˈˉ e fɨ́ɨˉ lɨ́ɨiñˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ tiñíingˉ, co̱ˈ jaangˋ ɨ̱ɨ̱bˋ lɨiñˈˊ do, co̱ˈ ie˜ jo̱ íˋbre dseaˋ néeˊ nir˜ talooˋ téeˈ˜ cuuˉ e lɨ́ɨˊ quiáˈˉ Jesús co̱lɨɨng˜guɨ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ guitúungˋ quiáˈrˉ do; jo̱baˈ i̱ Judas Iscariote do guiˊbre e cuuˉ do mɨ˜ iiñ˜ ˈñiaˈrˊ. Jo̱baˈ lalab cañíiˋ Jesús quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ:

—Jaˋ e fɨˈˊ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ i̱ dseamɨ́ˋ na, co̱ˈ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e nɨcajméerˋ na e nɨcaguiarˊ guiʉ́ˉ quiéˉe mɨ˜ nitɨ́ˉ íˈˋ e quiáˈˉ niˈámˉbaa. Jo̱ contøømˉ cuǿøngˋ líˋ jmɨcó̱o̱ˈˇ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ tiñíingˉ, jo̱ dsʉˈ jnea˜guɨ jaˋ contøøngˉ táanˋn có̱o̱ˈ˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la.

Mɨ˜ caˈɨ́ˋ dsíiˊ dseaˋ e nijngáiñˈˉ i̱ Lázaro do

Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋguɨjiʉ lajo̱, i̱ fɨ́ɨmˊ dseaˋ Israel calɨñirˊ e dobɨ táangˋ Jesús e fɨˊ Betania do. Jo̱baˈ cangolíiñˆ cangojǿøˆbre fɨˊ jo̱, jo̱ dsʉˈ o̱ˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ Jesús dseángˈˉ i̱ ngɨrˊ ˈnáiñˈˊ do, co̱ˈ lajo̱b ˈnáiñˈˊ Lázaro cajo̱ i̱ cajméeˋ Jesús e cají̱ˈˊtu̱ caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ. 10 Jo̱baˈ i̱ fii˜ jmidseaˋ do casɨ́ɨiñˉ røøˋ e la quie̱ˊ tɨˊ Lázarob nijngáiñˈˉ, 11 co̱ˈ féˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ Israel i̱ quie̱ˊ nifɨˊ do e uíiˈ˜ íbˋ fɨ́ɨngˊ i̱ dseaˋ góorˋ do nɨnaangˋ ˈnaaiñˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseaˋ rúiñˈˋ caguiaangˉguɨ do, jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús nɨnaaiñˋ dsitáaiñˉ.

Mɨ˜ caˈíˉ Jesús fɨˊ jee˜ fɨɨˋ Jerusalén

12 Jo̱ lajeeˇ nʉ́ˈˉguɨ jmɨɨ˜ Pascua e tɨˊ fɨˊ Jerusalén do, fɨ́ɨmˊ dseaˋ cangolíiñˆ fɨˊ jo̱ e cangotíiñˈˇ e jmɨɨ˜ do; jo̱ mɨ˜ cajneáˉ co̱o̱ˋguɨ jmɨɨ˜, jo̱b calɨñiˊ dseaˋ e tɨˊ niguiéeˊ Jesús fɨˊ Jerusalén e quiáˈˉ e jmɨɨ˜ do. 13 Jo̱ mɨ˜ calɨñiˊ i̱ dseaˋ do e jo̱, jo̱baˈ cangoquiʉ́ʉˈrˇ mooˋ quieeˉ, jo̱ cangolíiñˆ cangoˈíiñˈˇ Jesús catɨˊ caluuˇ fɨɨˋ e quiáˈˉ nijmiféiñˈˊ dseaˋ do. Jo̱ mɨ˜ caˈíñˈˋ dseaˋ do, lalab féˈrˋ teáˋ e iáangˋ dsíirˊ:

—¡Majmifémˈˊbaaˈ i̱ dseaˋ na! ¡Jo̱guɨ juguiʉ́ˉjiʉ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ na i̱ casíingˋ Fidiéeˇ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la cuaiñ˜ quiáˈrˉ! ¡Jo̱guɨ majmifémˈˊbaaˈr cajo̱ i̱ dseaˋ na i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ güeangˈˆ i̱ quie̱ˊ nifɨˊ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ góoˋnaaˈ dseaˋ Israel!

14 Jo̱ lajeeˇ iuungˉ Jesús fɨˊ, lado cadséiñˈˋ jaangˋ búˈˆ, jo̱ íbˋ caguárˋ lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈguɨ la féˈˋ fɨˊ ni˜ jiˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ e cajmeˈˊ dseaˋ malɨɨ˜guɨ eáangˊ lɨ˜ féˈˋ lala:
15     Jaˋ fǿøngˈ˜naˈ jaléngˈˋ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ i̱ seengˋ fɨˊ fɨɨˋ Sión;
    jo̱ jǿøˉnaˈ, lab nɨjáaˊ i̱ dseata˜ dseaˋ féngˈˊ quíiˉnaˈ e guiiñ˜ fɨˊ mocóoˈ˜ jaangˋ búˈˆ jiuung˜.

16 Jo̱ dsʉˈ laˈuii˜ jaˋ calɨlíˈˆbɨ i̱ dseaˋ guitúungˋ quiáˈrˉ do e˜ guǿngˈˋ jaléˈˋ e do; lɨ́ˈˆ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋguɨ lajo̱, mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cangángˈˉtu̱ Jesús fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ, jo̱guɨb calɨlíˈˆ i̱ dseaˋ do e jaléˈˋ e cajméeˋ Jesús do nɨnitó̱o̱bˋ fɨˊ ni˜ jiˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ e cajmeˈˊ dseaˋ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ malɨɨ˜guɨ eáangˊ lɨ˜ féˈˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ Jesús.

17 Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱, jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ cangáˉ mɨ˜ catǿˈˉ Jesús i̱ Lázaro do e nigüɨˈɨ́ɨiñˈˊ do fɨˊ dsíiˊ é̱e̱ˋ quiáˈrˉ co̱ˈ cají̱bˈˊtu̱r, jo̱baˈ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ íbˋ i̱ caniˈˊ e júuˆ jo̱ jee˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ caguiaangˉguɨ do. 18 Jo̱ lajo̱b i̱ fɨ́ɨmˊ dseaˋ cangolíiñˆ e cangojmijíñˈˊ Jesús, co̱ˈ calɨñiˊbre jaléˈˋ e quɨ́ɨˈ˜ dseaˋ do jmɨɨ˜ e cajméerˋ e fɨˊ do ie˜ jo̱. 19 Jo̱ i̱ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo do lalab sɨ́ɨiñˋ laˈóˈˋ yaaiñ˜:

—Nab nɨmóoˉ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ, jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ jaˋ e quɨ́ɨˈ˜naaˈ jmɨɨ˜ nijmóˆooˈ lana, co̱ˈ jnéengˉ neˋbaaˈ e jiaˋ jaˋ lajɨɨmˋ dseaˋ nɨsɨtáaiñˆ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ Jesús na lana.

Mɨ˜ caˈnangˈˉ dseaˋ griego Jesús

20 Jo̱ jee˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ cangolíingˆ fɨˊ Jerusalén e cangojmiféiñˈˊ Fidiéeˇ lajeeˇ e jmɨɨ˜ jo̱, jee˜ i̱ dseaˋ íbˋ niquiéengˋ co̱o̱ˋ tú̱ˉ mɨ́ɨngˈ˜ dseaˋ griego. 21 Jo̱ i̱ dseaˋ griego do cangoquiéeiñˊ fɨˊ lɨ˜ singˈˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ guitúungˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús i̱ siiˋ Lii˜, jo̱ íˋ seeiñˋ fɨˊ Betsaida e néeˊ lɨ˜ se̱ˈˊ Galilea, jo̱guɨ i̱ dseaˋ griego do camɨˈrˊ jmɨˈeeˇ i̱ Lii˜ do jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ:

—Dsíngˈˉ ii˜ jneaˈˆ e nilɨcuíingˋnaaˈ Jesús.

22 Jo̱baˈ dsifɨˊ mɨ˜ canúuˉ Lii˜ e jo̱, cangóˉbre cangosíiˈrˇ Dɨ́ˆ i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ jaangˋguɨ dseaˋ guitúungˋ rúiñˈˋ cajo̱, jo̱baˈ lajɨˋ huáamˉbre cangolíiñˆ e cangojméeˈrˇ júuˆ Jesús lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e jíngˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ griego do. 23 Jo̱baˈ lalab cañíiˋ Jesús quiáiñˈˉ do:

—Lana tɨˊ nitɨ́ˉ íˈˋ quiéˉe e ninínˈˆtú̱u̱ fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ cagáˉa mɨ˜ cagüénˉn fɨˊ la e lɨ́ɨnˊn jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ. 24 Jo̱guɨ jnea˜ jmɨtaaˆ óoˊnaˈ e faˈ camɨ́ˈˆ mɨcuɨˈieeˋ e jaˋ mɨˊ catóˈˋ fɨˊ ni˜ uǿˆ jo̱ o̱ˈguɨ níiˈ˜ cajo̱, jo̱baˈ lamɨ˜ lɨ́ɨbˊ lɨ́ɨˊ e camɨ́bˈˆ e mɨjú̱ˋ do; jo̱ dsʉˈ song camɨ́ˈˆguɨ e mɨcuɨˈieeˋ do catóbˈˋ fɨˊ ni˜ uǿˆ jo̱guɨ caníibˈ˜, jo̱baˈ jmiguiʉbˊ niˈuíingˈˉ do mɨ˜ niróˋ. 25 Co̱faˈ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ eáangˊguɨ guiing˜ dsíiˊ jaléˈˋ e dsijéeˊ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la, jo̱baˈ niˈíimˉ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ jo̱; jo̱ dsʉˈ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jaˋ guiing˜ dsíiˊ jaléˈˋ e dsijéeˊ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la, jo̱baˈ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ guiʉ́bˉ niˈuíingˉ quiáˈrˉ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ jo̱, co̱ˈ cøømˋ nilɨseeiñˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Fidiéeˇ lata˜. 26 Jo̱guɨ song jaangˋ dseaˋ iiñ˜ e nilíiñˉ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ jmóoˋ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e iin˜n, jo̱baˈ ˈnéˉ ngɨ́rˉ co̱lɨɨm˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jneab˜; jo̱guɨ lacaangˋ jiéˈˋ fɨˊ lɨ˜ seenˉ, jo̱baˈ fɨˊ jo̱b ˈnéˉ seeiñˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jnea˜ cajo̱. Jo̱ song seengˋ dseaˋ i̱ jmóoˋ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e iin˜n, jo̱baˈ Tiquiéˆe dseaˋ guiing˜ ñifɨ́ˉ nijmɨˈgóˋbre i̱ dseaˋ íˋ cajo̱.

Mɨ˜ cajíngˈˉtu̱ Jesús e nijngángˈˉ dseaˋ írˋ

27 ’Jo̱ fáˈˋguɨ́ɨ lana e dseángˈˉ dsíngˈˉ nɨjáaˊ fɨˈíˆ quiéˉe; jo̱ ¿e˜ nijmee˜e? ¿Su nifáˈˆa: “Teaa˜, leaangˉ jnea˜ jee˜ jaléˈˋ iihuɨ́ɨˊ e nidsingɨ́ɨnˉn do”? U̱˜, o̱ˈ lajo̱, co̱ˈ jnea˜ cagáˉa fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈ nidsingɨ́ɨnˉn jaléˈˋ e jo̱. 28 Jo̱baˈ fɨ́ɨˉɨ ˈnʉˋ, Teaa˜, jmeeˉ e laco̱ˈ nijmɨˈgóˋ dseaˋ ˈnʉˋ.

Jo̱ dsifɨˊ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cajíngˈˉ Jesús lajo̱, jo̱baˈ guicanʉ́ˈˋ co̱o̱ˋ luu˜ fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ jmɨgüíˋ, jo̱ guicajíngˈˉ lala:

—Nɨcajméˉbaa lajo̱, jo̱ dsʉˈ tɨˊ lɨ˜ nijmee˜baa caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ.

29 Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˉ núuˋ do ie˜ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ e lɨɨng˜ eeˋ guicangooˋ fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ jmɨgüíˋ; dsʉˈ i̱ lɨɨng˜guɨ i̱ dseaˋ do féˈrˋ:

—Jaangˋ ángel i̱ nɨguicaféˈˋ na.

30 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, jo̱ cañíiˋ Jesús quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Jaˋ catɨ́ɨngˉ jnea˜ e guicajíngˈˉ e luu˜ do, co̱ˈ ˈnʉ́bˈˋ dseaˋ catɨ́ɨngˉnaˈ e jo̱. 31 Jo̱ lanab catɨ́ˋ íˈˋ e Fidiéeˇ niquidsirˊ íˈˋ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ jaléˈˋ dseeˉ quiáˈrˉ, jo̱guɨ lanab cajo̱ catɨ́ˋ íˈˋ e niˈíingˉ bíˋ quiáˈˉ fii˜ i̱ ˈlɨngˈˆ i̱ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la. 32 Jo̱ dsʉˈ mɨ˜ ningɨ́ˋ e niteángˉ dseaˋ jnea˜ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ e laco̱ˈ nijúunˉn, jo̱ lajo̱baˈ nitǿøˆø jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ e laco̱ˈ niˈuíiñˉ dseaˋ quiéˉe.

33 Jo̱ cajíngˈˉ Jesús lana co̱ˈ nɨñiˊbre guiʉ́ˉ jial nijngaˈˉ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ. 34 Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ canúuˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˉ do ie˜ jo̱ e júuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús do, jo̱baˈ lalab cañíirˋ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do:

—Nɨneb˜ jneaˈˆ røøˋ e tó̱o̱ˋ fɨˊ ni˜ jiˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ e latab˜ nilɨseengˋ Dseaˋ Jmáangˉ, jo̱baˈ ¿jialɨˈˊ fóˈˋ ˈnʉˋ e i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jáaˊ fɨˊ ñifɨ́ˉ e lɨ́ɨiñˊ jaangˋ dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋ ˈnéˉ nisáiñˈˊ fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ mɨ˜ nijngaˈˉ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ? Jo̱guɨ ¿i̱˜ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ julɨ́ˋ na?

35 Jo̱baˈ lalab cañíiˋ Jesús quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ do:

—Jnea˜bɨ e jɨˋ e jneáˋ jee˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ lajeeˇ lana, jo̱ dsʉˈ joˋ huǿøˉ e lɨ́ɨngˊguɨ́ɨ lajo̱ jee˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ fɨˊ la. Jo̱baˈ jmɨˈúumˋbaˈ e seemˋbaˈ guiʉ́ˉ lajeeˇ e seemˉbɨ́ɨ jee˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ fɨˊ la e laco̱ˈ jaˋ nilíˈˋ e lɨ˜ nʉʉˋ do ˈnʉ́ˈˋ. Dsʉco̱ˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ seengˋ e fɨˊ lɨ˜ nʉʉˋ, jo̱baˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaˋ ñirˊ jie˜ fɨˊ lɨ˜ seeiñˋ. 36 Jo̱baˈ jáangˈ˜ yaang˜naˈ e fɨˊ lɨ˜ jneáˋ jɨˋ do lajeeˇ e seemˉbɨ́ɨ jee˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e laco̱ˈ quɨ́ˈˉ jmɨɨ˜ e nilɨseengˋnaˈ contøøngˉ fɨˊ lɨ˜ jneáˋ jɨˋ.

Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cajíngˈˉ Jesús jaléˈˋ e júuˆ na, jo̱baˈ cangóˉbre, jo̱ caˈnáamˉ ˈñiaˈrˊ jee˜ i̱ dseaˋ do.

Jialɨˈˊ jaˋ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋ dseaˋ Israel júuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús

37 Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱, jaˋ e lɨ́ɨˊ e Jesús cajméerˋ jaléˈˋ e li˜ laniingˉ e quɨ́ɨˈr˜ jmɨɨ˜ fɨˊ quiniˇ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ góorˋ dseaˋ Israel, jo̱ dsʉˈ jaˋ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨmˋbɨ i̱ dseaˋ do júuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús; 38 jo̱ lajo̱baˈ e calɨti˜ e cajmeˈˊ Saíiˆ, jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ caféˈˋ cuaiñ˜ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ malɨɨ˜guɨ eáangˊ ie˜ lamɨ˜ cajíñˈˉ lala:

Fíiˋnaaˈ, ¿i̱˜ i̱ jáˈˉ nɨcalɨ́ngˉ júuˆ quíiˈˉ e guiaˋnaaˈ?
Jo̱guɨ ¿i̱˜ i̱ nɨcalɨñiˊ jial tíiˊ ˈgønˈˊ, Fíiˋnaaˈ Fidiéeˇ?

39 Jo̱ lajo̱b jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ do jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaˋ líˈrˋ ningáiñˈˋ, co̱ˈ lalab cajmeˈˊguɨ Saíiˆ cajo̱ fɨˊ ni˜ jiˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ lɨ˜ féˈˋ lala:

Jnea˜ Fidiéeˇ jo̱ fáˈˋa e júuˆ la:
40     Nɨcajnɨ́ˋbaa jminir˜ jo̱guɨ nɨcajnɨ́ˋbaa moguir˜ cajo̱
    e laco̱ˈ jaˋ cuǿøngˋ nilɨñirˊ júuˆ quiéˉe
    o̱ˈguɨ cuǿøngˋ e ningáiñˈˋ jial lɨ́ɨˊ cajo̱;
    jo̱ lajo̱baˈ jaˋ niquɨ́ˈˉ jíngˈˋ yaaiñ˜ fɨˊ quiniiˉ,
    jo̱guɨ lajo̱bɨ jnea˜ jaˋ nijmiˈleáanˉnre cajo̱.

41 Jo̱ cajíngˈˉ Saíiˆ lana, co̱ˈ nɨcangáˉbre jial tíiˊ laniingˉ ˈgøngˈˊ Jesús, jo̱baˈ féˈrˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do.

42 Jo̱ nañiˊ faˈ cajímˈˉ i̱ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ Saíiˆ do e júuˆ jo̱, dsʉˈ fɨ́ɨmˊ dseaˋ Israel jáˈˉ calɨ́iñˉ júuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús ie˜ jo̱, jo̱guɨ fɨ́ɨmˊ dseata˜ dseaˋ Israel i̱ laniingˉ jáˈˉ calɨ́iñˉ júuˆ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do ie˜ jo̱ cajo̱. Jo̱ dsʉˈ jaˋ féˈrˋ lajo̱ fɨˊ quiniˇ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ jiéngˈˋ, co̱ˈ ˈgǿmˈˋbre jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo e niˈuǿngˉneiñˈ fɨˊ dsíiˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ guáˈˉ quiáˈrˉ, 43 co̱ˈ eáangˊguɨ iiñ˜ e dseaˋ jmɨgüíˋbingˈ nijmɨˈgóˋ írˋ laco̱ˈguɨ e nijméˉ ˈñiaˈˊ Fidiéeˇ lajo̱ có̱o̱ˈr˜.

Jial dseángˈˉ ˈnéˉ nijmɨˈgóˋ dseaˋ júuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús

44 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋguɨ lajo̱, lalab cajíngˈˉ Jesús có̱o̱ˈ˜ júuˆ teáˋ:

—Jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋ júuˆ quiéˉe, jo̱baˈ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ o̱ˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ júuˆ quiéˉe jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨiñˋ, co̱ˈ lajo̱b jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨiñˋ júuˆ quiáˈˉ Tiquíˆiiˈ Fidiéeˇ cajo̱, dseaˋ i̱ casíingˋ jnea˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la. 45 Jo̱ doñiˊ i̱i̱ˋ dseaˋ i̱ níingˉ jnea˜, jo̱baˈ níimˉbre cajo̱ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ casíingˋ jnea˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la. 46 Jo̱ jneab˜ dseaˋ lɨ́ɨnˊn e jɨˋ do, jo̱ cagáˉa fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨngˋ júuˆ quiéˉe jaˋ nilɨseeiñˋ fɨˊ lɨ˜ nʉʉˋ. 47 Jo̱ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ lɨco̱ˈ núuˋ jaléˈˋ júuˆ quiéˉe jo̱ dsʉˈ jaˋ jmóorˋ nʉ́ʉˈr˜ jaléˈˋ e jo̱, jo̱baˈ o̱ˈ jnea˜ dseaˋ niquidsiiˉ íˈˋ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ. Co̱ˈ jaˋ cagáˉ jnea˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la e laco̱ˈ niquidsiiˉ íˈˋ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ, co̱ˈ jnea˜ cagáˉa e lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈ nilaanˉre jee˜ jaléˈˋ dseeˉ quiáˈˉbre. 48 Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jaˋ jíiˈ˜ jnea˜ o̱ˈguɨ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨiñˋ júuˆ quiéˉe, jo̱baˈ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ nɨseemˋbingˈ i̱ niˈɨ́ˉ íˈˋ quiáˈrˉ quiáˈˉ jaléˈˋ e dseeˉ e nɨcaˈéerˋ do; co̱ˈ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléˈˋ e júuˆ e nɨcafáˈˉa na, có̱o̱ˈ˜ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jo̱b nitɨdsiˊ íˈˋ quiáˈrˉ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ jo̱. 49 Co̱ˈ jnea˜ jaˋ fáˈˋa la ñiiˉ ˈñiáˈˋa, dsʉco̱ˈ Tiquíˆiiˈ i̱ casíingˋ jnea˜ fɨˊ jmɨgüíˋ la, íbˋ i̱ nɨcaquiʉˈˊ ta˜ quiéˉe lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e ˈnéˉ e nifáˈˆa. 50 Jo̱ lajo̱b nɨñiˋ jnea˜, e jalébˈˋ ta˜ e quiʉˈˊ Tiquiéˆe do cuøˊ e lɨseengˋ dseaˋ cøøngˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Fidiéeˇ lata˜. Jo̱baˈ lajo̱b lɨ́ɨˊ, jalébˈˋ e fáˈˋ jnea˜ dseángˈˉ fáˈˋa jí̱i̱ˈ˜ laco̱ˈ ta˜ caˈíinˈ˜n quiáˈˉ Tiquíˆiiˈ.

Jesus Anointed at Bethany(A)

12 Six days before the Passover,(B) Jesus came to Bethany,(C) where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served,(D) while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. Then Mary took about a pint[a] of pure nard, an expensive perfume;(E) she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair.(F) And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him,(G) objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.[b] He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag,(H) he used to help himself to what was put into it.

“Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.(I) You will always have the poor among you,[c](J) but you will not always have me.”

Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.(K) 10 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, 11 for on account of him(L) many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.(M)

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King(N)

12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13 They took palm branches(O) and went out to meet him, shouting,


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[e](P)

“Blessed is the king of Israel!”(Q)

14 Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:

15 “Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion;
    see, your king is coming,
    seated on a donkey’s colt.”[f](R)

16 At first his disciples did not understand all this.(S) Only after Jesus was glorified(T) did they realize that these things had been written about him and that these things had been done to him.

17 Now the crowd that was with him(U) when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. 18 Many people, because they had heard that he had performed this sign,(V) went out to meet him. 19 So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!”(W)

Jesus Predicts His Death

20 Now there were some Greeks(X) among those who went up to worship at the festival. 21 They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida(Y) in Galilee, with a request. “Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.” 22 Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus.

23 Jesus replied, “The hour(Z) has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.(AA) 24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,(AB) it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it(AC) for eternal life.(AD) 26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.(AE) My Father will honor the one who serves me.

27 “Now my soul is troubled,(AF) and what shall I say? ‘Father,(AG) save me from this hour’?(AH) No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!”

Then a voice came from heaven,(AI) “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” 29 The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered; others said an angel had spoken to him.

30 Jesus said, “This voice was for your benefit,(AJ) not mine. 31 Now is the time for judgment on this world;(AK) now the prince of this world(AL) will be driven out. 32 And I, when I am lifted up[g] from the earth,(AM) will draw all people to myself.”(AN) 33 He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.(AO)

34 The crowd spoke up, “We have heard from the Law(AP) that the Messiah will remain forever,(AQ) so how can you say, ‘The Son of Man(AR) must be lifted up’?(AS) Who is this ‘Son of Man’?”

35 Then Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light(AT) just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light,(AU) before darkness overtakes you.(AV) Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. 36 Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”(AW) When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.(AX)

Belief and Unbelief Among the Jews

37 Even after Jesus had performed so many signs(AY) in their presence, they still would not believe in him. 38 This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet:

“Lord, who has believed our message
    and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”[h](AZ)

39 For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere:

40 “He has blinded their eyes
    and hardened their hearts,
so they can neither see with their eyes,
    nor understand with their hearts,
    nor turn—and I would heal them.”[i](BA)

41 Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory(BB) and spoke about him.(BC)

42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him.(BD) But because of the Pharisees(BE) they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue;(BF) 43 for they loved human praise(BG) more than praise from God.(BH)

44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.(BI) 45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.(BJ) 46 I have come into the world as a light,(BK) so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.(BL) 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them(BM) at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me(BN) to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life.(BO) So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”(BP)


  1. John 12:3 Or about 0.5 liter
  2. John 12:5 Greek three hundred denarii
  3. John 12:8 See Deut. 15:11.
  4. John 12:13 A Hebrew expression meaning “Save!” which became an exclamation of praise
  5. John 12:13 Psalm 118:25,26
  6. John 12:15 Zech. 9:9
  7. John 12:32 The Greek for lifted up also means exalted.
  8. John 12:38 Isaiah 53:1
  9. John 12:40 Isaiah 6:10