The First Disciples

35 Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. 36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, (A)“Behold the Lamb of God!”

37 The two disciples heard him speak, and they (B)followed Jesus. 38 Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What do you seek?”

They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?”

39 He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour).

40 One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was (C)Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the [a]Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). 42 And he brought him to Jesus.

Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of [b]Jonah. (D)You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, [c]A Stone).

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  1. John 1:41 Lit. Anointed One
  2. John 1:42 NU John
  3. John 1:42 Gr. Petros, usually translated Peter

Beware of Personal Favoritism

My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, (A)the Lord of glory, with (B)partiality. For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in [a]fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in [b]filthy clothes, and you [c]pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” have you not [d]shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

Listen, my beloved brethren: (C)Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be (D)rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom (E)which He promised to those who love Him? But (F)you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich oppress you (G)and drag you into the courts? Do they not blaspheme that noble name by which you are (H)called?

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, (I)“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well; but if you [e]show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as (J)transgressors. 10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet (K)stumble in one point, (L)he is guilty of all. 11 For He who said, (M)“Do not commit adultery,” also said, (N)“Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. 12 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by (O)the law of liberty. 13 For (P)judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown (Q)no (R)mercy. (S)Mercy triumphs over judgment.

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  1. James 2:2 bright
  2. James 2:2 vile
  3. James 2:3 Lit. look upon
  4. James 2:4 differentiated
  5. James 2:9 Lit. receive the face

Everything Has Its Time

To everything there is a season,
A (A)time for every purpose under heaven:

A time [a]to be born,
And (B)a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
A time to (C)weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
(D)A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
(E)A time to keep silence,
And a time to (F)speak;
A time to love,
And a time to (G)hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.

The God-Given Task

(H)What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? 10 (I)I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that (J)no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

12 I know that nothing is (K)better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, 13 and also that (L)every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.

14 I know that whatever God does,
It shall be forever.
(M)Nothing can be added to it,
And nothing taken from it.
God does it, that men should fear before Him.
15 (N)That which is has already been,
And what is to be has already been;
And God [b]requires an account of [c]what is past.

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  1. Ecclesiastes 3:2 Lit. to bear
  2. Ecclesiastes 3:15 Lit. seeks
  3. Ecclesiastes 3:15 what is pursued

Trusting in Lying Words(A)

The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, (B)“Stand in the gate of the Lord’s house, and proclaim there this word, and say, ‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah who enter in at these gates to worship the Lord!’ ” Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: (C)“Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place. (D)Do not trust in these lying words, saying, ‘The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are these.’

“For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if you thoroughly (E)execute [a]judgment between a man and his neighbor, if you do not oppress the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, (F)or walk after other gods to your hurt, (G)then I will cause you to dwell in this place, in (H)the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever.

“Behold, you trust in (I)lying words that cannot profit. (J)Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and (K)walk after other gods whom you do not know, 10 (L)and then come and stand before Me in this house (M)which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are delivered to do all these abominations’? 11 Has (N)this house, which is called by My name, become a (O)den of thieves in your eyes? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,” says the Lord.

12 “But go now to (P)My place which was in Shiloh, (Q)where I set My name at the first, and see (R)what I did to it because of the wickedness of My people Israel. 13 And now, because you have done all these works,” says the Lord, “and I spoke to you, (S)rising up early and speaking, but you did not hear, and I (T)called you, but you did not answer, 14 therefore I will do to the house which is called by My name, in which you trust, and to this place which I gave to you and your fathers, as I have done to (U)Shiloh. 15 And I will cast you out of My sight, (V)as I have cast out all your brethren—(W)the whole posterity of Ephraim.

16 “Therefore (X)do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, nor make intercession to Me; (Y)for I will not hear you. 17 Do you not see what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 (Z)The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they (AA)pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger. 19 (AB)Do they provoke Me to anger?” says the Lord. “Do they not provoke themselves, to the shame of their own faces?”

20 Therefore thus says the Lord God: “Behold, My anger and My fury will be poured out on this place—on man and on beast, on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground. And it will burn and not be quenched.”

21 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: (AC)“Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat meat. 22 (AD)For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices. 23 But this is what I commanded them, saying, (AE)‘Obey My voice, and (AF)I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’ 24 (AG)Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but (AH)followed[b] the counsels and the [c]dictates of their evil hearts, and (AI)went[d] backward and not forward. 25 Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have even (AJ)sent to you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them. 26 (AK)Yet they did not obey Me or incline their ear, but (AL)stiffened their neck. (AM)They did worse than their fathers.

27 “Therefore (AN)you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not obey you. You shall also call to them, but they will not answer you.

Judgment on Obscene Religion

28 “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the Lord their God (AO)nor receive correction. (AP)Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth. 29 (AQ)Cut off your hair and cast it away, and take up a lamentation on the desolate heights; for the Lord has rejected and forsaken the generation of His wrath.’ 30 For the children of Judah have done evil in My sight,” says the Lord. (AR)“They have set their abominations in the house which is called by My name, to [e]pollute it. 31 And they have built the (AS)high places of Tophet, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to (AT)burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, (AU)which I did not command, nor did it come into My heart.

32 “Therefore behold, (AV)the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when it will no more be called Tophet, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; (AW)for they will bury in Tophet until there is no room. 33 The (AX)corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth. And no one will frighten them away. 34 Then I will cause to (AY)cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. For (AZ)the land shall be desolate.

Jeremiah Mourns for His People

“At that time,” says the Lord, “they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of its princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves. They shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of heaven, which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have walked, which they have sought and (BA)which they have worshiped. They shall not be gathered (BB)nor buried; they shall be like refuse on the face of the earth. Then (BC)death shall be chosen rather than life by all the [f]residue of those who remain of this evil family, who remain in all the places where I have driven them,” says the Lord of hosts.

The Peril of False Teaching

“Moreover you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord:

“Will they fall and not rise?
Will one turn away and not return?
Why has this people (BD)slidden back,
Jerusalem, in a perpetual backsliding?
(BE)They hold fast to deceit,
(BF)They refuse to return.
(BG)I listened and heard,
But they do not speak aright.
(BH)No man repented of his wickedness,
Saying, ‘What have I done?’
Everyone turned to his own course,
As the horse rushes into the battle.

“Even (BI)the stork in the heavens
Knows her appointed times;
And the turtledove, the swift, and the swallow
Observe the time of their coming.
But (BJ)My people do not know the judgment of the Lord.

“How can you say, ‘We are wise,
(BK)And the law of the Lord is with us’?
Look, the false pen of the scribe certainly works falsehood.
(BL)The wise men are ashamed,
They are dismayed and taken.
Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord;
So (BM)what wisdom do they have?
10 Therefore (BN)I will give their wives to others,
And their fields to those who will inherit them;
Because from the least even to the greatest
Everyone is given to (BO)covetousness;
From the prophet even to the priest
Everyone deals falsely.
11 For they have (BP)healed the hurt of the daughter of My people [g]slightly,
Saying, (BQ)‘Peace, peace!’
When there is no peace.
12 Were they (BR)ashamed when they had committed abomination?
No! They were not at all ashamed,
Nor did they know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
In the time of their punishment
They shall be cast down,” says the Lord.

13 “I will surely [h]consume them,” says the Lord.
“No grapes shall be (BS)on the vine,
Nor figs on the (BT)fig tree,
And the leaf shall fade;
And the things I have given them shall (BU)pass away from them.” ’ ”

14 “Why do we sit still?
(BV)Assemble yourselves,
And let us enter the fortified cities,
And let us be silent there.
For the Lord our God has put us to silence
And given us (BW)water[i] of gall to drink,
Because we have sinned against the Lord.

15 We (BX)looked for peace, but no good came;
And for a time of health, and there was trouble!
16 The snorting of His horses was heard from (BY)Dan.
The whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of His (BZ)strong ones;
For they have come and devoured the land and all that is in it,
The city and those who dwell in it.”

17 “For behold, I will send serpents among you,
Vipers which cannot be (CA)charmed,
And they shall bite you,” says the Lord.

The Prophet Mourns for the People

18 I would comfort myself in sorrow;
My heart is faint in me.
19 Listen! The voice,
The cry of the daughter of my people
From (CB)a far country:
Is not the Lord in Zion?
Is not her King in her?”

“Why have they provoked Me to anger
With their carved images—
With foreign idols?”

20 “The harvest is past,
The summer is ended,
And we are not saved!”

21 (CC)For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt.
I am (CD)mourning;
Astonishment has taken hold of me.
22 Is there no (CE)balm in Gilead,
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no recovery
For the health of the daughter of my people?

Disobedience Brings God’s Judgment

Oh, (CF)that my head were waters,
And my eyes a fountain of tears,
That I might weep day and night
For the slain of the daughter of my people!
Oh, that I had in the wilderness
A lodging place for travelers;
That I might leave my people,
And go from them!
For (CG)they are all adulterers,
An assembly of treacherous men.

“And like their bow (CH)they have bent their tongues for lies.
They are not valiant for the truth on the earth.
For they proceed from (CI)evil to evil,
And they (CJ)do not know Me,” says the Lord.
“Everyone(CK) take heed to his [j]neighbor,
And do not trust any brother;
For every brother will utterly supplant,
And every neighbor will (CL)walk with slanderers.
Everyone will (CM)deceive his neighbor,
And will not speak the truth;
They have taught their tongue to speak lies;
They weary themselves to commit iniquity.
Your dwelling place is in the midst of deceit;
Through deceit they refuse to know Me,” says the Lord.

Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts:

“Behold, (CN)I will refine them and [k]try them;
(CO)For how shall I deal with the daughter of My people?
Their tongue is an arrow shot out;
It speaks (CP)deceit;
One speaks (CQ)peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth,
But [l]in his heart he [m]lies in wait.
(CR)Shall I not punish them for these things?” says the Lord.
“Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?”

10 I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains,
And (CS)for the [n]dwelling places of the wilderness a lamentation,
Because they are burned up,
So that no one can pass through;
Nor can men hear the voice of the cattle.
(CT)Both the birds of the heavens and the beasts have fled;
They are gone.

11 “I will make Jerusalem (CU)a heap of ruins, (CV)a den of jackals.
I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an inhabitant.”

12 (CW)Who is the wise man who may understand this? And who is he to whom the mouth of the Lord has spoken, that he may declare it? Why does the land perish and burn up like a wilderness, so that no one can pass through?

13 And the Lord said, “Because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have (CX)not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it, 14 but they have (CY)walked according to the [o]dictates of their own hearts and after the Baals, (CZ)which their fathers taught them,” 15 therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will (DA)feed them, this people, (DB)with wormwood, and give them [p]water of gall to drink. 16 I will (DC)scatter them also among the Gentiles, whom neither they nor their fathers have known. (DD)And I will send a sword after them until I have consumed them.”

The People Mourn in Judgment

17 Thus says the Lord of hosts:

“Consider and call for (DE)the mourning women,
That they may come;
And send for skillful wailing women,
That they may come.
18 Let them make haste
And take up a wailing for us,
That (DF)our eyes may run with tears,
And our eyelids gush with water.
19 For a voice of wailing is heard from Zion:
‘How we are plundered!
We are greatly ashamed,
Because we have forsaken the land,
Because we have been cast out of (DG)our dwellings.’ ”

20 Yet hear the word of the Lord, O women,
And let your ear receive the word of His mouth;
Teach your daughters wailing,
And everyone her neighbor a lamentation.
21 For death has come through our windows,
Has entered our palaces,
To kill off (DH)the children—[q]no longer to be outside!
And the young men—[r]no longer on the streets!

22 Speak, “Thus says the Lord:

‘Even the carcasses of men shall fall (DI)as refuse on the open field,
Like cuttings after the harvester,
And no one shall gather them.’ ”

23 Thus says the Lord:

(DJ)“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his (DK)might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
24 But (DL)let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, [s]judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
(DM)For in these I delight,” says the Lord.

25 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “that (DN)I will punish all who are circumcised with the uncircumcised— 26 Egypt, Judah, Edom, the people of Ammon, Moab, and all who are in the (DO)farthest corners, who dwell in the wilderness. For all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are (DP)uncircumcised in the heart.”


  1. Jeremiah 7:5 justice
  2. Jeremiah 7:24 walked in
  3. Jeremiah 7:24 stubbornness or imagination
  4. Jeremiah 7:24 Lit. they were
  5. Jeremiah 7:30 defile
  6. Jeremiah 8:3 remnant
  7. Jeremiah 8:11 Superficially
  8. Jeremiah 8:13 Or take them away
  9. Jeremiah 8:14 Bitter or poisonous water
  10. Jeremiah 9:4 friend
  11. Jeremiah 9:7 test
  12. Jeremiah 9:8 Inwardly he
  13. Jeremiah 9:8 sets his ambush
  14. Jeremiah 9:10 Or pastures
  15. Jeremiah 9:14 stubbornness or imagination
  16. Jeremiah 9:15 Bitter or poisonous water
  17. Jeremiah 9:21 Lit. from outside
  18. Jeremiah 9:21 Lit. from the square
  19. Jeremiah 9:24 justice

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