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34 (A)And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

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Peter's Report to the Church at Jerusalem

11 The apostles and the other believers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. When Peter went to Jerusalem, those who were in favor of circumcising Gentiles criticized him, saying, “You were a guest in the home of uncircumcised Gentiles, and you even ate with them!” So Peter gave them a complete account of what had happened from the very beginning:

“While I was praying in the city of Joppa, I had a vision. I saw something coming down that looked like a large sheet being lowered by its four corners from heaven, and it stopped next to me. I looked closely inside and saw domesticated and wild animals, reptiles, and wild birds. Then I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Get up, Peter; kill and eat!’ But I said, ‘Certainly not, Lord! No ritually unclean or defiled food has ever entered my mouth.’

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The New Heaven and the New Earth

21 (A)Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished. (B)And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. (C)I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “Now God's home is with people! He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God. (D)He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.”

Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!” He also said to me, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.” (E)And he said, “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it.

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