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II. First Cycle of Speeches

Chapter 3

Job’s Complaint. After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed his day.[a] Job spoke out and said:

Perish the day on which I was born,(A)
    the night when they said, “The child is a boy!”
May that day be darkness:
    may God[b] above not care for it,
    may light not shine upon it!
May darkness and gloom claim it,
    clouds settle upon it,
    blackness of day[c] affright it!
May obscurity seize that night;
    may it not be counted among the days of the year,
    nor enter into the number of the months!
May that night be barren;
    let no joyful outcry greet it!
Let them curse it who curse the Sea,
    those skilled at disturbing Leviathan![d]
May the stars of its twilight be darkened;
    may it look for daylight, but have none,
    nor gaze on the eyes of the dawn,
10 Because it did not keep shut the doors of the womb
    to shield my eyes from trouble!
11 Why did I not die at birth,(B)
    come forth from the womb and expire?
12 Why did knees receive me,
    or breasts nurse me?
13 For then I should have lain down and been tranquil;
    had I slept, I should then have been at rest
14 With kings and counselors of the earth
    who rebuilt what were ruins
15 Or with princes who had gold
    and filled their houses with silver.
16 Or why was I not buried away like a stillborn child,
    like babies that have never seen the light?
17 There[e] the wicked cease from troubling,
    there the weary are at rest.
18 The captives are at ease together,
    and hear no overseer’s voice.
19 Small and great are there;
    the servant is free from the master.
20 Why is light given to the toilers,
    life to the bitter in spirit?
21 They wait for death and it does not come;
    they search for it more than for hidden treasures.
22 They rejoice in it exultingly,
    and are glad when they find the grave:
23 A man whose path is hidden from him,
    one whom God has hemmed in![f]
24 For to me sighing comes more readily than food;
    my groans well forth like water.
25 For what I feared overtakes me;
    what I dreaded comes upon me.
26 I have no peace nor ease;
    I have no rest, for trouble has come!

Chapter 4

Eliphaz’s First Speech. Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said:

If someone attempts a word with you, would you mind?
    How can anyone refrain from speaking?
Look, you have instructed many,
    and made firm their feeble hands.
Your words have upheld the stumbler;
    you have strengthened faltering knees.
But now that it comes to you, you are impatient;
    when it touches you, you are dismayed.
Is not your piety a source of confidence,
    and your integrity of life your hope?
Reflect now, what innocent person perishes?(C)
    Where are the upright destroyed?
As I see it, those who plow mischief
    and sow trouble will reap them.
By the breath of God they perish,(D)
    and by the blast of his wrath they are consumed.
10 Though the lion[g] roars, though the king of beasts cries out,
    yet the teeth of the young lions are broken;
11 The old lion perishes for lack of prey,
    and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.
12 A word was stealthily brought to me,[h]
    my ear caught a whisper of it.
13 In my thoughts during visions of the night,(E)
    when deep sleep falls on mortals,
14 Fear came upon me, and shuddering,
    that terrified me to the bone.
15 Then a spirit passed before me,
    and the hair of my body stood on end.
16 It paused, but its likeness I could not recognize;
    a figure was before my eyes,
    in silence I heard a voice:(F)
17 “Can anyone be more in the right than God?(G)
    Can mortals be more blameless than their Maker?
18 Look, he puts no trust in his servants,(H)
    and even with his messengers he finds fault.
19 How much more with those who dwell in houses of clay,
    whose foundation is in the dust,
    who are crushed more easily than a moth!
20 Morning or evening they may be shattered;
    unnoticed, they perish forever.
21 The pegs of their tent are plucked up;
    they die without knowing wisdom.”

Chapter 5

Call now! Will anyone respond to you?
    To which of the holy ones[i] will you turn?
Surely impatience kills the fool
    and indignation slays the simpleton.
I have seen a fool spreading his roots,(I)
    but I cursed his household suddenly:
May his children be far from safety;
    may they be crushed at the gate[j] without a rescuer.
What they have reaped may the hungry eat up,
    or God take away by blight,
    or the thirsty swallow their substance.
For not from dust does mischief come,
    nor from the soil does trouble sprout.
Human beings beget mischief
    as sparks[k] fly upward.
In your place, I would appeal to God,
    and to God I would state my plea.
[l]He does things great and unsearchable,
    things marvelous and innumerable.
10 He gives rain upon the earth
    and sends water upon the fields;
11 (J)He sets up the lowly on high,
    and those who mourn are raised to safety.
12 He frustrates the plans of the cunning,
    so that their hands achieve no success;
13 He catches the wise in their own ruses,(K)
    and the designs of the crafty are routed.
14 They meet with darkness in the daytime,
    at noonday they grope as though it were night.
15 But he saves the poor from the sword of their mouth,[m]
    from the hand of the mighty.
16 Thus the needy have hope,
    and iniquity closes its mouth.
17 Happy the one whom God reproves!
    The Almighty’s[n] discipline do not reject.
18 For he wounds, but he binds up;(L)
    he strikes, but his hands give healing.
19 Out of six troubles he will deliver you,
    and at the seventh[o] no evil shall touch you.
20 In famine he will deliver you from death,
    and in war from the power of the sword;
21 From the scourge of the tongue you shall be hidden,
    and you shall not fear approaching ruin.
22 At ruin and want you shall laugh;
    the beasts of the earth, do not fear.
23 With the stones of the field shall your covenant be,
    and the wild beasts shall be at peace with you.
24 And you shall know that your tent is secure;
    taking stock of your household, you shall miss nothing.
25 You shall know that your descendants are many,
    and your offspring like the grass of the earth.
26 You shall approach the grave in full vigor,
    as a shock of grain comes in at its season.
27 See, this we have searched out; so it is!
    This we have heard, and you should know.

Chapter 6

Job’s First Reply. Then Job answered and said:

Ah, could my anguish but be measured
    and my calamity laid with it in the scales,
They would now outweigh the sands of the sea!
    Because of this I speak without restraint.
For the arrows of the Almighty are in me,(M)
    and my spirit drinks in their poison;
    the terrors of God are arrayed against me.
Does the wild donkey bray when it has grass?[p]
    Does the ox low over its fodder?
Can anything insipid be eaten without salt?
    Is there flavor in the white of an egg?
I refuse to touch them;
    they are like loathsome food to me.
Oh, that I might have my request,
    and that God would grant what I long for:
Even that God would decide to crush me,
    that he would put forth his hand and cut me off!
10 Then I should still have consolation
    and could exult through unremitting pain,
    because I have not transgressed the commands of the Holy One.
11 What strength have I that I should endure,
    and what is my limit that I should be patient?
12 Have I the strength of stones,
    or is my flesh of bronze?
13 Have I no helper,(N)
    and has my good sense deserted me?
14 A friend owes kindness to one in despair,
    though he has forsaken the fear of the Almighty.
15 My companions are undependable as a wadi,
    as watercourses that run dry in the wadies;
16 Though they may be black with ice,
    and with snow heaped upon them,
17 Yet once they flow, they cease to be;
    in the heat, they disappear from their place.
18 Caravans wander from their routes;
    they go into the wasteland and perish.
19 The caravans of Tema[q] search,
    the companies of Sheba have hopes;
20 They are disappointed, though they were confident;
    they come there and are frustrated.
21 It is thus that you have now become for me;[r]
    you see a terrifying thing and are afraid.
22 Have I said, “Give me something,
    make a bribe on my behalf from your possessions”?
23 Or “Deliver me from the hand of the enemy,
    redeem me from oppressors”?
24 Teach me, and I will be silent;
    make me understand how I have erred.
25 How painful honest words can be;
    yet how unconvincing is your argument!
26 Do you consider your words as proof,
    but the sayings of a desperate man as wind?
27 You would even cast lots for the orphan,
    and would barter over your friend!
28 Come, now, give me your attention;
    surely I will not lie to your face.
29 Think it over; let there be no injustice.
    Think it over; I still am right.
30 Is there insincerity on my tongue,
    or cannot my taste discern falsehood?

Chapter 7

(O)Is not life on earth a drudgery,[s]
    its days like those of a hireling?
Like a slave who longs for the shade,
    a hireling who waits for wages,
So I have been assigned months of futility,
    and troubled nights have been counted off for me.
When I lie down I say, “When shall I arise?”
    then the night drags on;
    I am filled with restlessness until the dawn.
My flesh is clothed with worms and scabs;(P)
    my skin cracks and festers;
My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle;
    they come to an end without hope.
Remember that my life is like the wind;(Q)
    my eye will not see happiness again.
The eye that now sees me shall no more behold me;
    when your eye is on me, I shall be gone.
As a cloud dissolves and vanishes,(R)
    so whoever goes down to Sheol shall not come up.
10 They shall not return home again;
    their place shall know them no more.
11 My own utterance I will not restrain;
    I will speak in the anguish of my spirit;
    I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
12 [t]Am I the Sea, or the dragon,
    that you place a watch over me?[u]
13 When I say, “My bed shall comfort me,
    my couch shall ease my complaint,”
14 Then you frighten me with dreams
    and terrify me with visions,
15 So that I should prefer strangulation
    and death rather than my existence.[v]
16 I waste away: I will not live forever;(S)
    let me alone, for my days are but a breath.
17 [w]What are human beings, that you make much of them,
    or pay them any heed?
18 You observe them every morning(T)
    and try them at every moment!
19 How long before you look away from me,
    and let me alone till I swallow my spit?
20 If I sin, what do I do to you,
    O watcher of mortals?
Why have you made me your target?
    Why should I be a burden for you?
21 Why do you not pardon my offense,
    or take away my guilt?
For soon I shall lie down in the dust;
    and should you seek me I shall be gone.

Chapter 8

Bildad’s First Speech. Bildad the Shuhite answered and said:

How long will you utter such things?
    The words from your mouth are a mighty wind!
Does God pervert judgment,(U)
    does the Almighty pervert justice?
If your children have sinned against him
    and he has left them in the grip of their guilt,
Still, if you yourself have recourse to God
    and make supplication to the Almighty,
Should you be blameless and upright,
    surely now he will rouse himself for you
    and restore your rightful home.
Though your beginning was small,
    your future will flourish indeed.
Inquire of the former generations,
    pay attention to the experience of their ancestors—(V)
As we are but of yesterday and have no knowledge,
    because our days on earth are but a shadow—(W)
10 Will they not teach you and tell you
    and utter their words of understanding?
11 [x]Can the papyrus grow up without mire?
    Can the reed grass flourish without water?
12 While it is yet green and uncut,
    it withers quicker than any grass.
13 So is the end of everyone who forgets God,
    and so shall the hope of the godless perish.
14 His confidence is but a gossamer thread,
    his trust is a spider’s house.
15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand;
    he shall cling to it, but it shall not endure.
16 He thrives in full sun,
    and over his garden his shoots go forth;
17 About a heap of stones his roots are entwined;
    among the rocks he takes hold.
18 Yet if one tears him from his place,
    it will disown him: “I have never seen you!”
19 There he lies rotting beside the road,
    and out of the soil another sprouts.
20 Behold, God will not cast away the upright;
    neither will he take the hand of the wicked.
21 Once more will he fill your mouth with laughter
    and your lips with rejoicing.
22 Those who hate you shall be clothed with shame,
    and the tent of the wicked shall be no more.

Chapter 9

Job’s Second Reply. Then Job answered and said:

I know well that it is so;
    but how can anyone be in the right before God?
Should one wish to contend with him,[y]
    he could not answer him once in a thousand times.
God is wise in heart and mighty in strength;
    who has withstood him and remained whole?
He removes the mountains before they know it;
    he overturns them in his anger.
He shakes the earth out of its place,(X)
    and the pillars beneath it tremble.
He commands the sun, and it does not rise;
    he seals up the stars.
He alone stretches out the heavens(Y)
    and treads upon the back of the sea.
He made the Bear and Orion,
    the Pleiades and the constellations of the south;
10 He does things great and unsearchable,
    things marvelous and innumerable.
11 Should he come near me, I do not see him;
    should he pass by, I am not aware of him;
12 Should he seize me forcibly, who can resist?
    Who can say to him, “What are you doing?”
13 He is God and he does not relent;
    the helpers of Rahab[z] bow beneath him.
14 How then could I give him any answer,
    or choose out arguments against him!
15 Even though I were right, I could not answer,(Z)
    but should rather beg for what was due me.
16 If I appealed to him and he answered me,
    I could not believe that he would listen to me;
17 With a storm he might overwhelm me,
    and multiply my wounds for nothing;
18 He would not allow me to draw breath,
    but might fill me with bitter griefs.
19 If it be a question of strength, he is mighty;
    or of judgment, who will call him to account?
20 Though I were right, my own mouth might condemn me;(AA)
    were I innocent, it might put me in the wrong.
21 I am innocent, but I cannot know it;
    I despise my life.
22 It is all one! therefore I say:
    Both the innocent and the wicked he destroys.(AB)
23 When the scourge slays suddenly,
    he scoffs at the despair of the innocent.
24 The earth is given into the hands of the wicked;
    he covers the faces of its judges.
    If it is not he, who then is it?
25 My days are swifter than a runner,
    they flee away; they see no happiness;(AC)
26 They shoot by like skiffs of reed,
    like an eagle swooping upon its prey.
27 If I say: I will forget my complaining,
    I will lay aside my sadness and be of good cheer,
28 Then I am in dread of all my pains;
    I know that you[aa] will not hold me innocent.
29 It is I who will be accounted guilty;
    why then should I strive in vain?
30 If I should wash myself with soap
    and cleanse my hands with lye,
31 Yet you would plunge me in the ditch,
    so that my garments would abhor me.
32 For he is not a man like myself, that I should answer him,
    that we should come together in judgment.
33 Would that there were an arbiter between us,
    who could lay his hand upon us both
34     and withdraw his rod from me,
So that his terrors did not frighten me;
35     that I might speak without being afraid of him.
Since this is not the case with me,
    [ab]I loathe my life.(AD)

Chapter 10

I will give myself up to complaint;
    I will speak from the bitterness of my soul.
I will say to God: Do not put me in the wrong!
    Let me know why you oppose me.
[ac]Is it a pleasure for you to oppress,
    to spurn the work of your hands,
    and shine on the plan of the wicked?
Have you eyes of flesh?
    Do you see as mortals see?
Are your days like the days of a mortal,(AE)
    and are your years like a human lifetime,
That you seek for guilt in me
    and search after my sins,
Even though you know that I am not wicked,(AF)
    and that none can deliver me out of your hand?
Your hands have formed me and fashioned me;
    will you then turn and destroy me?
Oh, remember that you fashioned me from clay!(AG)
    Will you then bring me down to dust again?
10 Did you not pour me out like milk,
    and thicken me like cheese?
11 With skin and flesh you clothed me,
    with bones and sinews knit me together.
12 Life and love you granted me,
    and your providence has preserved my spirit.
13 Yet these things you have hidden in your heart;
    I know they are your purpose:
14 If I should sin, you would keep a watch on me,
    and from my guilt you would not absolve me.
15 If I should be wicked, alas for me!
    even if righteous, I dare not hold up my head,
    sated with shame, drenched in affliction!
16 Should it lift up, you hunt me like a lion:
    repeatedly you show your wondrous power against me,
17 You renew your attack[ad] upon me
    and multiply your harassment of me;
    in waves your troops come against me.
18 Why then did you bring me forth from the womb?(AH)
    I should have died and no eye have seen me.
19 I should be as though I had never lived;
    I should have been taken from the womb to the grave.
20 Are not my days few? Stop!
    Let me alone, that I may recover a little
21 Before I go whence I shall not return,(AI)
    to the land of darkness and of gloom,
22 The dark, disordered land
    where darkness is the only light.

Chapter 11

Zophar’s First Speech. And Zophar the Naamathite answered and said:

Should not many words be answered,
    or must the garrulous man necessarily be right?
Shall your babblings keep others silent,
    and shall you deride and no one give rebuke?
Shall you say: “My teaching is pure,
    and I am clean in your sight”?
But oh, that God would speak,[ae]
    and open his lips against you,
And tell you the secrets of wisdom,
    for good sense has two sides;
So you might learn that God
    overlooks some of your sinfulness.
Can you find out the depths of God?(AJ)
    or find out the perfection of the Almighty?
It is higher than the heavens; what can you do?
    It is deeper than Sheol; what can you know?
It is longer than the earth in measure,
    and broader than the sea.
10 If he should seize and imprison
    or call to judgment, who then could turn him back?
11 For he knows the worthless
    and sees iniquity; will he then ignore it?
12 An empty head will gain understanding,
    when a colt of a wild jackass(AK) is born human.[af]
13 If you set your heart aright
    and stretch out your hands toward him,
14 If iniquity is in your hand, remove it,
    and do not let injustice dwell in your tent,
15 Surely then you may lift up your face in innocence;
    you may stand firm and unafraid.
16 For then you shall forget your misery,
    like water that has ebbed away you shall regard it.
17 Then your life shall be brighter than the noonday;
    its gloom shall become like the morning,
18 And you shall be secure, because there is hope;
    you shall look round you and lie down in safety;(AL)
19     you shall lie down and no one will disturb you.
Many shall entreat your favor,
20     but the wicked, looking on, shall be consumed with envy.
Escape shall be cut off from them,
    their only hope their last breath.

Chapter 12

Job’s Third Reply. [ag]Then Job answered and said:

No doubt you are the people
    with whom wisdom shall die!
But I have intelligence as well as you;(AM)
    I do not fall short of you;
    for who does not know such things as these?
I have become the sport of my neighbors:[ah]
    “The one whom God answers when he calls upon him,
    The just, the perfect man,” is a laughingstock;(AN)
The undisturbed esteem my downfall a disgrace
    such as awaits unsteady feet;
Yet the tents of robbers are prosperous,
    and those who provoke God are secure,
    whom God has in his power.[ai]
But now ask the beasts to teach you,
    the birds of the air to tell you;
Or speak to the earth to instruct you,
    and the fish of the sea to inform you.
Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of God has done this?
10 In his hand is the soul of every living thing,(AO)
    and the life breath of all mortal flesh.
11 Does not the ear judge words
    as the mouth tastes food?(AP)
12 So with old age is wisdom,(AQ)
    and with length of days understanding.
13 With him are wisdom and might;
    his are counsel and understanding.
14 If he knocks a thing down, there is no rebuilding;(AR)
    if he imprisons, there is no release.
15 He holds back the waters and there is drought;(AS)
    he sends them forth and they overwhelm the land.
16 With him are strength and prudence;
    the misled and the misleaders are his.
17 He sends counselors away barefoot,
    makes fools of judges.
18 He loosens the belt of kings,
    ties a waistcloth on their loins.[aj]
19 He sends priests away barefoot,
    leads the powerful astray.
20 He silences the trusted adviser,
    takes discretion from the elders.
21 He pours shame on nobles,(AT)
    the waistband of the strong he loosens.
22 He uncovers deep things from the darkness,
    brings the gloom into the light.
23 He makes nations great and destroys them,
    spreads peoples abroad and abandons them.
24 He takes understanding from the leaders of the land,
    makes them wander in a pathless desert.
25 They grope in the darkness without light;
    he makes them wander like drunkards.

Chapter 13

All this my eye has seen;
    my ear has heard and perceived it.
What you know, I also know;(AU)
    I do not fall short of you.
But I would speak with the Almighty;(AV)
    I want to argue with God.
But you gloss over falsehoods,
    you are worthless physicians, every one of you!
Oh, that you would be altogether silent;
    that for you would be wisdom!
Hear now my argument
    and listen to the accusations from my lips.
Is it for God that you speak falsehood?
    Is it for him that you utter deceit?
Is it for him that you show partiality?
    Do you make accusations on behalf of God?
Will it be well when he shall search you out?
    Can you deceive him as you do a mere human being?
10 He will openly rebuke you
    if in secret you show partiality.
11 Surely his majesty will frighten you
    and dread of him fall upon you.
12 Your reminders are ashy maxims,
    your fabrications mounds of clay.
13 Be silent! Let me alone that I may speak,
    no matter what happens to me.
14 I will carry my flesh between my teeth,
    and take my life in my hand.[ak]
15 Slay me though he might,(AW) I will wait for him;[al]
    I will defend my conduct before him.
16 This shall be my salvation:
    no impious man can come into his presence.
17 Pay close attention to my speech,
    give my statement a hearing.
18 Behold, I have prepared my case,(AX)
    I know that I am in the right.
19 If anyone can make a case against me,
    then I shall be silent and expire.
20 Two things only do not use against me,[am]
    then from your presence I need not hide:
21 Withdraw your hand far from me,
    do not let the terror of you frighten me.
22 Then call me, and I will respond;
    or let me speak first, and answer me.
23 What are my faults and my sins?
    My misdeed, my sin make known to me!
24 Why do you hide your face
    and consider me your enemy?[an](AY)
25 Will you harass a wind-driven leaf
    or pursue a withered straw?
26 For you draw up bitter indictments against me,
    and punish in me the faults of my youth.
27 You put my feet in the stocks;
    you watch all my paths
    and trace out all my footsteps,
28 Though I wear out like a leather bottle,
    like a garment the moth has consumed.

Chapter 14

Man born of woman
    is short-lived and full of trouble,[ao](AZ)
Like a flower that springs up and fades,(BA)
    swift as a shadow that does not abide.
Upon such a one will you set your eyes,
    bringing me into judgment before you?
Can anyone make the unclean clean?(BB)
    No one can.
Since his days are determined—
    you know the number of his months;
    you have fixed the limit which he cannot pass—
Look away from him and let him be,
    while, like a hireling, he completes his day.
For a tree there is hope;
    if it is cut down, it will sprout again,
    its tender shoots will not cease.
Even though its root grow old in the earth
    and its stump die in the dust,
Yet at the first whiff of water it sprouts
    and puts forth branches like a young plant.
10 But when a man dies, all vigor leaves him;(BC)
    when a mortal expires, where then is he?
11 As when the waters of a lake fail,
    or a stream shrivels and dries up,
12 So mortals lie down, never to rise.
    Until the heavens are no more, they shall not awake,
    nor be roused out of their sleep.(BD)
13 Oh, that you would hide me in Sheol,
    shelter me till your wrath is past,
    fix a time to remember me!
14 If a man were to die, and live again,
    all the days of my drudgery I would wait(BE)
    for my relief to come.
15 You would call, and I would answer you;
    you would long for the work of your hands.
16 Surely then you would count my steps,(BF)
    and not keep watch for sin in me.
17 My misdeeds would be sealed up in a pouch,[ap]
    and you would cover over my guilt.
18 Mountains fall and crumble,
    rocks move from their place,
19 And water wears away stone,
    and floods wash away the soil of the land—
    so you destroy the hope of mortals!
20 You prevail once for all against them and they pass on;
    you dismiss them with changed appearance.
21 If their children are honored, they are not aware of it;
    or if disgraced, they do not know about them.
22 Only for themselves, their pain;
    only for themselves, their mourning.


  1. 3:1 His day: that is, the day of his birth.
  2. 3:4 God: in Heb. ’Eloah, another name for the divinity, used frequently in Job.
  3. 3:5 Blackness of day: that is, an eclipse.
  4. 3:8 Leviathan: a mythological sea monster symbolizing primeval chaos. It is parallel to Sea, which was the opponent of Baal in the Ugaritic legends. Cf. 9:13; 26:13; 40:25–41:26; Ps 74:13–14; 104:26; Is 27:1.
  5. 3:17 There: in death.
  6. 3:23 Hemmed in: contrast the same verb as used in 1:10.
  7. 4:10 The lion: used figuratively here for the violent, rapacious sinner who cannot prevail against God.
  8. 4:12–21 A dramatic presentation of the idea of human nothingness in contrast to God’s greatness (v. 17). The message of the “private revelation” that stirs Eliphaz so deeply is in reality expressed countless times in the Bible. The statements of the friends are often “truths” that are insensitive or irrelevant to Job’s questioning.
  9. 5:1 Holy ones: members of the heavenly court; cf. 1:6 and note. They were viewed as heavenly intercessors.
  10. 5:4 At the gate: of the city, where justice was administered.
  11. 5:7 Sparks: in Hebrew, “sons of resheph,” which the ancient versions took as the name of a bird. Resheph was an underworld deity of plague, but the word also means “flames” in Sg 8:6.
  12. 5:9 Perhaps to be omitted here; it is a duplicate of 9:10.
  13. 5:15 From the sword of their mouth: the Hebrew is obscure.
  14. 5:17 Almighty: standard translation of Heb. Shaddai.
  15. 5:19 Six…the seventh: proverbial expression for any large number; cf. Prv 24:16; Lk 17:4.
  16. 6:5–6 Job would not complain if his life were as pleasant to him as fodder to a hungry animal; but his life is as disagreeable as insipid food. White of an egg: thus the obscure Hebrew has been understood in Jewish tradition; some render it “mallow juice.”
  17. 6:19 Tema: in northwest Arabia. Sheba: home of the Sabeans; see note on 1:15.
  18. 6:21 It is only at this point that the previous lines (vv. 1–20) are clearly directed to the three friends. The style of replying in these chapters (3–31) is often indirect. Job and the friends become mouthpieces through which the author presents current views on divine retribution in dramatic fashion. In chap. 7, Job will not even speak directly to the friends.
  19. 7:1 Drudgery: taken by some to refer to military service; cf. also 14:14.
  20. 7:12–21 Job now speaks not to his friends (who never speak to God), but to God. He does this frequently; cf. 9:28; 10:2–22; 13:20–28; 14:13–22.
  21. 7:12 An allusion to the personification of primeval chaos as a monstrous ocean vanquished by God; see note on 3:8.
  22. 7:15 Existence: lit., bones; the Hebrew is unclear.
  23. 7:17–18 An ironic allusion to Ps 8:5.
  24. 8:11–13 As marsh plants need water, so human beings need God. These verses may be a quotation from the teaching of the ancestors; cf. v. 10.
  25. 9:3 Job begins to explore the possibility of challenging God in a lawsuit, a theme that will recur (10:2), but he knows the odds are against him (vv. 12–20).
  26. 9:13 Rahab: another name for the primeval sea-monster; see notes on 3:8 and Ps 89:11; cf. Jb 7:12; 26:12.
  27. 9:28–31 You: refers to God.
  28. 10:1 I loathe my life: these words complete the thought of 9:35.
  29. 10:3–12 These lines are a delicate mixture of sarcasm and prayer; Job “reminds” God, challenging the divine providence. Note the piteous tone of the final request in vv. 20–22.
  30. 10:17 Attack: or “witnesses,” continuing the metaphor of lawsuit used in these chapters.
  31. 11:5 This is another of many ironies (e.g., cf. 11:16–19) that occur throughout the book. Zophar does not know that God will speak (chaps. 38–42), but contrary to what he thinks.
  32. 11:12 A colt…is born human: the Hebrew is obscure. As translated, it seems to be a proverb referring to an impossible event.
  33. 12:1 Job begins his third and longest speech to the friends with sarcasm, and eventually he accuses them of falsehood (13:4–11). The dialogue between them becomes increasingly sharp. With the appeal to learning from beasts and birds (12:7), Job launches into what seems to be a bitter parody of the power of God.
  34. 12:4–5 The Hebrew is somewhat obscure, but the general sense is that the wicked mock the pious when the latter appear to be abandoned by God; cf. Ps 22:7–9; Mt 27:39–43.
  35. 12:6 Whom God has in his power: the Hebrew is obscure. The line may be a scribal error; some of the phrases occur in vv. 9, 10.
  36. 12:18 He reduces kings to the condition of slaves, who wear only a cloth wrapped about the waist.
  37. 13:14 The second half of the verse is a common biblical expression for risking one’s life; cf. Jgs 12:3; 1 Sm 19:5; 28:21; Ps 119:109; the first half of the verse must have a similar meaning. Job is so confident of his innocence that he is willing to risk his life by going to judgment with God.
  38. 13:15 Many translations adopt the Ketib reading, “I have no hope.”
  39. 13:20 In 13:20–14:22, Job directs his address to God; cf. 7:8–21; 9:28–10:22. His three friends never do this.
  40. 13:24 The Hebrew word for “enemy” (‘oyeb) is very close to the Hebrew form of Job’s name (‘iyyob). The play on the word implies that God has confused the two.
  41. 14:1 The sorrowful lament of Job is that God should relent in view of the limited life of human beings. When compared to plant life, which dies but can revive, the death of human beings is final. Job’s wild and “unthinkable” wish in vv. 13–17 is a bold stroke of imagination and desire: if only in Sheol he were protected till God would remember him! Were he to live again (v. 14), things would be different, but alas, God destroys “the hope of mortals” (v. 19).
  42. 14:17 Sealed up in a pouch: hidden away and forgotten.

II. First Cycle of Speeches

Chapter 3

Job’s Complaint. After this, Job opened his mouth and cursed his day.[a] Job spoke out and said:

Perish the day on which I was born,(A)
    the night when they said, “The child is a boy!”
May that day be darkness:
    may God[b] above not care for it,
    may light not shine upon it!
May darkness and gloom claim it,
    clouds settle upon it,
    blackness of day[c] affright it!
May obscurity seize that night;
    may it not be counted among the days of the year,
    nor enter into the number of the months!
May that night be barren;
    let no joyful outcry greet it!
Let them curse it who curse the Sea,
    those skilled at disturbing Leviathan![d]
May the stars of its twilight be darkened;
    may it look for daylight, but have none,
    nor gaze on the eyes of the dawn,
10 Because it did not keep shut the doors of the womb
    to shield my eyes from trouble!
11 Why did I not die at birth,(B)
    come forth from the womb and expire?
12 Why did knees receive me,
    or breasts nurse me?
13 For then I should have lain down and been tranquil;
    had I slept, I should then have been at rest
14 With kings and counselors of the earth
    who rebuilt what were ruins
15 Or with princes who had gold
    and filled their houses with silver.
16 Or why was I not buried away like a stillborn child,
    like babies that have never seen the light?
17 There[e] the wicked cease from troubling,
    there the weary are at rest.
18 The captives are at ease together,
    and hear no overseer’s voice.
19 Small and great are there;
    the servant is free from the master.
20 Why is light given to the toilers,
    life to the bitter in spirit?
21 They wait for death and it does not come;
    they search for it more than for hidden treasures.
22 They rejoice in it exultingly,
    and are glad when they find the grave:
23 A man whose path is hidden from him,
    one whom God has hemmed in![f]
24 For to me sighing comes more readily than food;
    my groans well forth like water.
25 For what I feared overtakes me;
    what I dreaded comes upon me.
26 I have no peace nor ease;
    I have no rest, for trouble has come!

Chapter 4

Eliphaz’s First Speech. Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said:

If someone attempts a word with you, would you mind?
    How can anyone refrain from speaking?
Look, you have instructed many,
    and made firm their feeble hands.
Your words have upheld the stumbler;
    you have strengthened faltering knees.
But now that it comes to you, you are impatient;
    when it touches you, you are dismayed.
Is not your piety a source of confidence,
    and your integrity of life your hope?
Reflect now, what innocent person perishes?(C)
    Where are the upright destroyed?
As I see it, those who plow mischief
    and sow trouble will reap them.
By the breath of God they perish,(D)
    and by the blast of his wrath they are consumed.
10 Though the lion[g] roars, though the king of beasts cries out,
    yet the teeth of the young lions are broken;
11 The old lion perishes for lack of prey,
    and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.
12 A word was stealthily brought to me,[h]
    my ear caught a whisper of it.
13 In my thoughts during visions of the night,(E)
    when deep sleep falls on mortals,
14 Fear came upon me, and shuddering,
    that terrified me to the bone.
15 Then a spirit passed before me,
    and the hair of my body stood on end.
16 It paused, but its likeness I could not recognize;
    a figure was before my eyes,
    in silence I heard a voice:(F)
17 “Can anyone be more in the right than God?(G)
    Can mortals be more blameless than their Maker?
18 Look, he puts no trust in his servants,(H)
    and even with his messengers he finds fault.
19 How much more with those who dwell in houses of clay,
    whose foundation is in the dust,
    who are crushed more easily than a moth!
20 Morning or evening they may be shattered;
    unnoticed, they perish forever.
21 The pegs of their tent are plucked up;
    they die without knowing wisdom.”

Chapter 5

Call now! Will anyone respond to you?
    To which of the holy ones[i] will you turn?
Surely impatience kills the fool
    and indignation slays the simpleton.
I have seen a fool spreading his roots,(I)
    but I cursed his household suddenly:
May his children be far from safety;
    may they be crushed at the gate[j] without a rescuer.
What they have reaped may the hungry eat up,
    or God take away by blight,
    or the thirsty swallow their substance.
For not from dust does mischief come,
    nor from the soil does trouble sprout.
Human beings beget mischief
    as sparks[k] fly upward.
In your place, I would appeal to God,
    and to God I would state my plea.
[l]He does things great and unsearchable,
    things marvelous and innumerable.
10 He gives rain upon the earth
    and sends water upon the fields;
11 (J)He sets up the lowly on high,
    and those who mourn are raised to safety.
12 He frustrates the plans of the cunning,
    so that their hands achieve no success;
13 He catches the wise in their own ruses,(K)
    and the designs of the crafty are routed.
14 They meet with darkness in the daytime,
    at noonday they grope as though it were night.
15 But he saves the poor from the sword of their mouth,[m]
    from the hand of the mighty.
16 Thus the needy have hope,
    and iniquity closes its mouth.
17 Happy the one whom God reproves!
    The Almighty’s[n] discipline do not reject.
18 For he wounds, but he binds up;(L)
    he strikes, but his hands give healing.
19 Out of six troubles he will deliver you,
    and at the seventh[o] no evil shall touch you.
20 In famine he will deliver you from death,
    and in war from the power of the sword;
21 From the scourge of the tongue you shall be hidden,
    and you shall not fear approaching ruin.
22 At ruin and want you shall laugh;
    the beasts of the earth, do not fear.
23 With the stones of the field shall your covenant be,
    and the wild beasts shall be at peace with you.
24 And you shall know that your tent is secure;
    taking stock of your household, you shall miss nothing.
25 You shall know that your descendants are many,
    and your offspring like the grass of the earth.
26 You shall approach the grave in full vigor,
    as a shock of grain comes in at its season.
27 See, this we have searched out; so it is!
    This we have heard, and you should know.

Chapter 6

Job’s First Reply. Then Job answered and said:

Ah, could my anguish but be measured
    and my calamity laid with it in the scales,
They would now outweigh the sands of the sea!
    Because of this I speak without restraint.
For the arrows of the Almighty are in me,(M)
    and my spirit drinks in their poison;
    the terrors of God are arrayed against me.
Does the wild donkey bray when it has grass?[p]
    Does the ox low over its fodder?
Can anything insipid be eaten without salt?
    Is there flavor in the white of an egg?
I refuse to touch them;
    they are like loathsome food to me.
Oh, that I might have my request,
    and that God would grant what I long for:
Even that God would decide to crush me,
    that he would put forth his hand and cut me off!
10 Then I should still have consolation
    and could exult through unremitting pain,
    because I have not transgressed the commands of the Holy One.
11 What strength have I that I should endure,
    and what is my limit that I should be patient?
12 Have I the strength of stones,
    or is my flesh of bronze?
13 Have I no helper,(N)
    and has my good sense deserted me?
14 A friend owes kindness to one in despair,
    though he has forsaken the fear of the Almighty.
15 My companions are undependable as a wadi,
    as watercourses that run dry in the wadies;
16 Though they may be black with ice,
    and with snow heaped upon them,
17 Yet once they flow, they cease to be;
    in the heat, they disappear from their place.
18 Caravans wander from their routes;
    they go into the wasteland and perish.
19 The caravans of Tema[q] search,
    the companies of Sheba have hopes;
20 They are disappointed, though they were confident;
    they come there and are frustrated.
21 It is thus that you have now become for me;[r]
    you see a terrifying thing and are afraid.
22 Have I said, “Give me something,
    make a bribe on my behalf from your possessions”?
23 Or “Deliver me from the hand of the enemy,
    redeem me from oppressors”?
24 Teach me, and I will be silent;
    make me understand how I have erred.
25 How painful honest words can be;
    yet how unconvincing is your argument!
26 Do you consider your words as proof,
    but the sayings of a desperate man as wind?
27 You would even cast lots for the orphan,
    and would barter over your friend!
28 Come, now, give me your attention;
    surely I will not lie to your face.
29 Think it over; let there be no injustice.
    Think it over; I still am right.
30 Is there insincerity on my tongue,
    or cannot my taste discern falsehood?

Chapter 7

(O)Is not life on earth a drudgery,[s]
    its days like those of a hireling?
Like a slave who longs for the shade,
    a hireling who waits for wages,
So I have been assigned months of futility,
    and troubled nights have been counted off for me.
When I lie down I say, “When shall I arise?”
    then the night drags on;
    I am filled with restlessness until the dawn.
My flesh is clothed with worms and scabs;(P)
    my skin cracks and festers;
My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle;
    they come to an end without hope.
Remember that my life is like the wind;(Q)
    my eye will not see happiness again.
The eye that now sees me shall no more behold me;
    when your eye is on me, I shall be gone.
As a cloud dissolves and vanishes,(R)
    so whoever goes down to Sheol shall not come up.
10 They shall not return home again;
    their place shall know them no more.
11 My own utterance I will not restrain;
    I will speak in the anguish of my spirit;
    I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
12 [t]Am I the Sea, or the dragon,
    that you place a watch over me?[u]
13 When I say, “My bed shall comfort me,
    my couch shall ease my complaint,”
14 Then you frighten me with dreams
    and terrify me with visions,
15 So that I should prefer strangulation
    and death rather than my existence.[v]
16 I waste away: I will not live forever;(S)
    let me alone, for my days are but a breath.
17 [w]What are human beings, that you make much of them,
    or pay them any heed?
18 You observe them every morning(T)
    and try them at every moment!
19 How long before you look away from me,
    and let me alone till I swallow my spit?
20 If I sin, what do I do to you,
    O watcher of mortals?
Why have you made me your target?
    Why should I be a burden for you?
21 Why do you not pardon my offense,
    or take away my guilt?
For soon I shall lie down in the dust;
    and should you seek me I shall be gone.

Chapter 8

Bildad’s First Speech. Bildad the Shuhite answered and said:

How long will you utter such things?
    The words from your mouth are a mighty wind!
Does God pervert judgment,(U)
    does the Almighty pervert justice?
If your children have sinned against him
    and he has left them in the grip of their guilt,
Still, if you yourself have recourse to God
    and make supplication to the Almighty,
Should you be blameless and upright,
    surely now he will rouse himself for you
    and restore your rightful home.
Though your beginning was small,
    your future will flourish indeed.
Inquire of the former generations,
    pay attention to the experience of their ancestors—(V)
As we are but of yesterday and have no knowledge,
    because our days on earth are but a shadow—(W)
10 Will they not teach you and tell you
    and utter their words of understanding?
11 [x]Can the papyrus grow up without mire?
    Can the reed grass flourish without water?
12 While it is yet green and uncut,
    it withers quicker than any grass.
13 So is the end of everyone who forgets God,
    and so shall the hope of the godless perish.
14 His confidence is but a gossamer thread,
    his trust is a spider’s house.
15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand;
    he shall cling to it, but it shall not endure.
16 He thrives in full sun,
    and over his garden his shoots go forth;
17 About a heap of stones his roots are entwined;
    among the rocks he takes hold.
18 Yet if one tears him from his place,
    it will disown him: “I have never seen you!”
19 There he lies rotting beside the road,
    and out of the soil another sprouts.
20 Behold, God will not cast away the upright;
    neither will he take the hand of the wicked.
21 Once more will he fill your mouth with laughter
    and your lips with rejoicing.
22 Those who hate you shall be clothed with shame,
    and the tent of the wicked shall be no more.

Chapter 9

Job’s Second Reply. Then Job answered and said:

I know well that it is so;
    but how can anyone be in the right before God?
Should one wish to contend with him,[y]
    he could not answer him once in a thousand times.
God is wise in heart and mighty in strength;
    who has withstood him and remained whole?
He removes the mountains before they know it;
    he overturns them in his anger.
He shakes the earth out of its place,(X)
    and the pillars beneath it tremble.
He commands the sun, and it does not rise;
    he seals up the stars.
He alone stretches out the heavens(Y)
    and treads upon the back of the sea.
He made the Bear and Orion,
    the Pleiades and the constellations of the south;
10 He does things great and unsearchable,
    things marvelous and innumerable.
11 Should he come near me, I do not see him;
    should he pass by, I am not aware of him;
12 Should he seize me forcibly, who can resist?
    Who can say to him, “What are you doing?”
13 He is God and he does not relent;
    the helpers of Rahab[z] bow beneath him.
14 How then could I give him any answer,
    or choose out arguments against him!
15 Even though I were right, I could not answer,(Z)
    but should rather beg for what was due me.
16 If I appealed to him and he answered me,
    I could not believe that he would listen to me;
17 With a storm he might overwhelm me,
    and multiply my wounds for nothing;
18 He would not allow me to draw breath,
    but might fill me with bitter griefs.
19 If it be a question of strength, he is mighty;
    or of judgment, who will call him to account?
20 Though I were right, my own mouth might condemn me;(AA)
    were I innocent, it might put me in the wrong.
21 I am innocent, but I cannot know it;
    I despise my life.
22 It is all one! therefore I say:
    Both the innocent and the wicked he destroys.(AB)
23 When the scourge slays suddenly,
    he scoffs at the despair of the innocent.
24 The earth is given into the hands of the wicked;
    he covers the faces of its judges.
    If it is not he, who then is it?
25 My days are swifter than a runner,
    they flee away; they see no happiness;(AC)
26 They shoot by like skiffs of reed,
    like an eagle swooping upon its prey.
27 If I say: I will forget my complaining,
    I will lay aside my sadness and be of good cheer,
28 Then I am in dread of all my pains;
    I know that you[aa] will not hold me innocent.
29 It is I who will be accounted guilty;
    why then should I strive in vain?
30 If I should wash myself with soap
    and cleanse my hands with lye,
31 Yet you would plunge me in the ditch,
    so that my garments would abhor me.
32 For he is not a man like myself, that I should answer him,
    that we should come together in judgment.
33 Would that there were an arbiter between us,
    who could lay his hand upon us both
34     and withdraw his rod from me,
So that his terrors did not frighten me;
35     that I might speak without being afraid of him.
Since this is not the case with me,
    [ab]I loathe my life.(AD)

Chapter 10

I will give myself up to complaint;
    I will speak from the bitterness of my soul.
I will say to God: Do not put me in the wrong!
    Let me know why you oppose me.
[ac]Is it a pleasure for you to oppress,
    to spurn the work of your hands,
    and shine on the plan of the wicked?
Have you eyes of flesh?
    Do you see as mortals see?
Are your days like the days of a mortal,(AE)
    and are your years like a human lifetime,
That you seek for guilt in me
    and search after my sins,
Even though you know that I am not wicked,(AF)
    and that none can deliver me out of your hand?
Your hands have formed me and fashioned me;
    will you then turn and destroy me?
Oh, remember that you fashioned me from clay!(AG)
    Will you then bring me down to dust again?
10 Did you not pour me out like milk,
    and thicken me like cheese?
11 With skin and flesh you clothed me,
    with bones and sinews knit me together.
12 Life and love you granted me,
    and your providence has preserved my spirit.
13 Yet these things you have hidden in your heart;
    I know they are your purpose:
14 If I should sin, you would keep a watch on me,
    and from my guilt you would not absolve me.
15 If I should be wicked, alas for me!
    even if righteous, I dare not hold up my head,
    sated with shame, drenched in affliction!
16 Should it lift up, you hunt me like a lion:
    repeatedly you show your wondrous power against me,
17 You renew your attack[ad] upon me
    and multiply your harassment of me;
    in waves your troops come against me.
18 Why then did you bring me forth from the womb?(AH)
    I should have died and no eye have seen me.
19 I should be as though I had never lived;
    I should have been taken from the womb to the grave.


  1. 3:1 His day: that is, the day of his birth.
  2. 3:4 God: in Heb. ’Eloah, another name for the divinity, used frequently in Job.
  3. 3:5 Blackness of day: that is, an eclipse.
  4. 3:8 Leviathan: a mythological sea monster symbolizing primeval chaos. It is parallel to Sea, which was the opponent of Baal in the Ugaritic legends. Cf. 9:13; 26:13; 40:25–41:26; Ps 74:13–14; 104:26; Is 27:1.
  5. 3:17 There: in death.
  6. 3:23 Hemmed in: contrast the same verb as used in 1:10.
  7. 4:10 The lion: used figuratively here for the violent, rapacious sinner who cannot prevail against God.
  8. 4:12–21 A dramatic presentation of the idea of human nothingness in contrast to God’s greatness (v. 17). The message of the “private revelation” that stirs Eliphaz so deeply is in reality expressed countless times in the Bible. The statements of the friends are often “truths” that are insensitive or irrelevant to Job’s questioning.
  9. 5:1 Holy ones: members of the heavenly court; cf. 1:6 and note. They were viewed as heavenly intercessors.
  10. 5:4 At the gate: of the city, where justice was administered.
  11. 5:7 Sparks: in Hebrew, “sons of resheph,” which the ancient versions took as the name of a bird. Resheph was an underworld deity of plague, but the word also means “flames” in Sg 8:6.
  12. 5:9 Perhaps to be omitted here; it is a duplicate of 9:10.
  13. 5:15 From the sword of their mouth: the Hebrew is obscure.
  14. 5:17 Almighty: standard translation of Heb. Shaddai.
  15. 5:19 Six…the seventh: proverbial expression for any large number; cf. Prv 24:16; Lk 17:4.
  16. 6:5–6 Job would not complain if his life were as pleasant to him as fodder to a hungry animal; but his life is as disagreeable as insipid food. White of an egg: thus the obscure Hebrew has been understood in Jewish tradition; some render it “mallow juice.”
  17. 6:19 Tema: in northwest Arabia. Sheba: home of the Sabeans; see note on 1:15.
  18. 6:21 It is only at this point that the previous lines (vv. 1–20) are clearly directed to the three friends. The style of replying in these chapters (3–31) is often indirect. Job and the friends become mouthpieces through which the author presents current views on divine retribution in dramatic fashion. In chap. 7, Job will not even speak directly to the friends.
  19. 7:1 Drudgery: taken by some to refer to military service; cf. also 14:14.
  20. 7:12–21 Job now speaks not to his friends (who never speak to God), but to God. He does this frequently; cf. 9:28; 10:2–22; 13:20–28; 14:13–22.
  21. 7:12 An allusion to the personification of primeval chaos as a monstrous ocean vanquished by God; see note on 3:8.
  22. 7:15 Existence: lit., bones; the Hebrew is unclear.
  23. 7:17–18 An ironic allusion to Ps 8:5.
  24. 8:11–13 As marsh plants need water, so human beings need God. These verses may be a quotation from the teaching of the ancestors; cf. v. 10.
  25. 9:3 Job begins to explore the possibility of challenging God in a lawsuit, a theme that will recur (10:2), but he knows the odds are against him (vv. 12–20).
  26. 9:13 Rahab: another name for the primeval sea-monster; see notes on 3:8 and Ps 89:11; cf. Jb 7:12; 26:12.
  27. 9:28–31 You: refers to God.
  28. 10:1 I loathe my life: these words complete the thought of 9:35.
  29. 10:3–12 These lines are a delicate mixture of sarcasm and prayer; Job “reminds” God, challenging the divine providence. Note the piteous tone of the final request in vv. 20–22.
  30. 10:17 Attack: or “witnesses,” continuing the metaphor of lawsuit used in these chapters.