11 He dams up the streams so that they do not trickle,
    and the thing that is hidden he brings out to light.

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Therefore (A)do not pronounce judgment before the time, (B)before the Lord comes, (C)who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. (D)Then each one will receive his commendation from God.

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“I will go before you
    and (A)level the exalted places,[a]
(B)I will break in pieces the doors of bronze
    and cut through the bars of iron,
(C)I will give you the treasures of darkness
    and the hoards in secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord,
    the God of Israel, (D)who call you by your name.

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  1. Isaiah 45:2 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint level the mountains

27 (A)who says to the deep, ‘Be dry;
    I will dry up your rivers’;

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25 I dug wells
    and drank waters,
to dry up with the sole of my foot
    all (A)the streams (B)of Egypt.

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He (A)binds up the waters in his thick clouds,
    and the cloud is not split open under them.

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