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29 No dia seguinte, João viu a Jesus, que vinha para ele, e disse: Eis o Cordeiro de Deus, que tira o pecado do mundo.

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Jesus o Cordeiro de Deus

29 No dia seguinte, João viu Jesus aproximar-se e disse: “Olhem, ali está o cordeiro de Deus que tira o pecado do mundo.

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The God-Revealer

29-31 The very next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and yelled out, “Here he is, God’s Passover Lamb! He forgives the sins of the world! This is the man I’ve been talking about, ‘the One who comes after me but is really ahead of me.’ I knew nothing about who he was—only this: that my task has been to get Israel ready to recognize him as the God-Revealer. That is why I came here baptizing with water, giving you a good bath and scrubbing sins from your life so you can get a fresh start with God.”

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29 No dia seguinte, João viu a Jesus, que vinha para ele, e disse: Eis o Cordeiro de Deus, que tira o pecado do mundo. 30 Este é aquele do qual eu disse: após mim vem um homem que foi antes de mim, porque era primeiro do que eu. 31 E eu não o conhecia, mas, para que ele fosse manifestado a Israel, vim eu, por isso, batizando com água.

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Jesus o Cordeiro de Deus

29 No dia seguinte, João viu Jesus aproximar-se e disse: “Olhem, ali está o cordeiro de Deus que tira o pecado do mundo. 30 É ele de quem eu falava quando disse: ‘Esse que vem depois de mim é muito maior do que eu, porque existia antes de mim.’ 31 Eu não sabia que era ele, mas tenho estado a batizar com água, a fim de o revelar ao povo de Israel.”

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The God-Revealer

29-31 The very next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and yelled out, “Here he is, God’s Passover Lamb! He forgives the sins of the world! This is the man I’ve been talking about, ‘the One who comes after me but is really ahead of me.’ I knew nothing about who he was—only this: that my task has been to get Israel ready to recognize him as the God-Revealer. That is why I came here baptizing with water, giving you a good bath and scrubbing sins from your life so you can get a fresh start with God.”

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