James 2:20-24
International Children’s Bible
20 You foolish person! Must you be shown that faith that does nothing is worth nothing? 21 Abraham is our father. He was made right with God by the things he did. He offered his son Isaac to God on the altar. 22 So you see that Abraham’s faith and the things he did worked together. His faith was made perfect by what he did. 23 This shows the full meaning of the Scripture that says: “Abraham believed God, and God accepted Abraham’s faith, and that faith made him right with God.”[a] And Abraham was called “God’s friend.”[b] 24 So you see that a person is made right with God by the things he does. He cannot be made right by faith only.
Read full chapterFootnotes
- 2:23 “Abraham . . . God.” Quotation from Genesis 15:6.
- 2:23 “God’s friend.” These words about Abraham are found in 2 Chronicles 20:7 and Isaiah 41:8.
The Holy Bible, International Children’s Bible® Copyright© 1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission.