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19 Now if they tell you, “Consult the ghosts and the spirits, those who chirp and those who mutter. Should not a people consult its gods, the dead on behalf of the living, 20 for teaching and for testimony?” surely they who speak like this have no dawn.[a]

21 And it[b] will pass through it[c] distressed and hungry, and this shall happen: when it is hungry, it will be enraged, and it will curse its king and its gods,[d] and it will face upwar 22 or look to the earth. But look! Distress and darkness, the gloom of affliction! And it will be thrust into darkness!

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  1. Isaiah 8:20 Literally “if not, they say like this word that there is no dawn for him,” which could also mean “if not, let them say a word like this: that there is no dawn for him”
  2. Isaiah 8:21 That is, the nation
  3. Isaiah 8:21 That is, the land
  4. Isaiah 8:21 Or “God”