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A Warning for Rebellious Judah

Now go and write down these words.
    Write them in a book.
They will stand until the end of time
    as a witness
that these people are stubborn rebels
    who refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s instructions.
10 They tell the seers,
    “Stop seeing visions!”
They tell the prophets,
    “Don’t tell us what is right.
Tell us nice things.
    Tell us lies.
11 Forget all this gloom.
    Get off your narrow path.
Stop telling us about your
    ‘Holy One of Israel.’”

12 This is the reply of the Holy One of Israel:

“Because you despise what I tell you
    and trust instead in oppression and lies,
13 calamity will come upon you suddenly—
    like a bulging wall that bursts and falls.
In an instant it will collapse
    and come crashing down.
14 You will be smashed like a piece of pottery—
    shattered so completely that
there won’t be a piece big enough
    to carry coals from a fireplace
    or a little water from the well.”

15 This is what the Sovereign Lord,
    the Holy One of Israel, says:
“Only in returning to me
    and resting in me will you be saved.
In quietness and confidence is your strength.
    But you would have none of it.

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Go now, write it on a tablet(A) for them,
    inscribe it on a scroll,(B)
that for the days to come
    it may be an everlasting witness.(C)
For these are rebellious(D) people, deceitful(E) children,
    children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction.(F)
10 They say to the seers,(G)
    “See no more visions(H)!”
and to the prophets,
    “Give us no more visions of what is right!
Tell us pleasant things,(I)
    prophesy illusions.(J)
11 Leave this way,(K)
    get off this path,
and stop confronting(L) us
    with the Holy One(M) of Israel!”

12 Therefore this is what the Holy One(N) of Israel says:

“Because you have rejected this message,(O)
    relied on oppression(P)
    and depended on deceit,
13 this sin will become for you
    like a high wall,(Q) cracked and bulging,
    that collapses(R) suddenly,(S) in an instant.
14 It will break in pieces like pottery,(T)
    shattered so mercilessly
that among its pieces not a fragment will be found
    for taking coals from a hearth
    or scooping water out of a cistern.”

15 This is what the Sovereign(U) Lord, the Holy One(V) of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest(W) is your salvation,
    in quietness and trust(X) is your strength,
    but you would have none of it.(Y)

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