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The word which Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw on Judah and Jerusalem. (The vision which Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.)

And in the last days the hill of the house of the Lord shall be made ready in the top of [the] hills, and shall be raised above little hills. And all heathen men shall flow to him; (And in the last days the mountain of the House, or the Temple, of the Lord shall be higher than the tops of all the hills, yea, it shall be raised up above all the hills. And all the heathen shall come to it;)

and many peoples shall go, and shall say, Come ye, ascend we to the hill of the Lord, and to the house of God of Jacob; and he shall teach us his ways, and we shall go in the paths of him. For why the law shall go out of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. (and many peoples shall go, and shall say, Come ye, let us go up the mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; and he shall teach us his ways, and we shall go on his paths. For the Law shall go out from Zion, yea, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.)

And he shall deem heathen men, and he shall reprove many peoples; and they shall weld together their swords into shares[a], and their spears into sickles, either scythes; folk shall no more raise sword against folk, and they shall no more be exercised, either haunted, to battle. (And he shall judge the heathen, and he shall rebuke many peoples; and they shall weld together their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles, or into scythes; nation shall no more raise sword against nation, and they shall no more prepare for battle.)

Come ye, the house of Jacob, and go we in the light of the Lord.

Forsooth thou hast cast away thy people, the house of Jacob, for they be filled as sometime before; and they had false diviners by the chittering of birds, as (the) Philistines, and they cleaved to alien children (and they married foreigners, or strangers).

The land is filled with silver and gold, and none end is of the treasures thereof; and the land thereof is filled with horses, and the four-horsed carts thereof be unnumberable. (The land is filled with silver and gold, and there is no end to its treasures; and the land is filled with horses, and its chariots be innumerable.)

And the land thereof is filled with idols, and they worship the work of their hands, which their fingers made;

and a man bowed himself, and a man of full age was made low. Therefore forgive thou not to them. (yea, people bowed before them, even mature people made themselves low. And so do not thou forgive them.)

10 Enter thou, people of Judah, into a stone, be thou hid in a ditch in (the) earth, from the face of the dread of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty. (Enter thou, people of Judah, into a cave, be thou hid in a ditch in the ground, from the fear of the Lord, and the glory of his majesty.)

11 The eyes of an high man (shall) be made low, and the highness of men shall be bowed down; forsooth the Lord alone shall be enhanced in that day (for only the Lord shall be exalted on that day).

12 For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be on each proud man and high, and on each boaster, and he shall be made low; (For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be on each proud person, who thinketh himself to be high, and on each boaster, and they shall be made low;)

13 and on all the cedars of the Lebanon high and raised (up), and on all the oaks of Bashan,

14 and on all high mountains, and on all little hills, that be raised [up];

15 and on each high tower, and on each strong wall;

16 and on all ships of Tarshish, and on all thing which is fair in sight. (and on all ships of Tarshish, and on everything which is beautiful to see.)

17 And all the highness of men shall be bowed down, and the highness of men shall be made low; and the Lord alone shall be raised [up] in that day (and the Lord alone shall be raised up on that day),

18 and idols shall be broken together utterly. (and the idols shall be altogether and utterly broken.)

19 And they shall enter into the dens of stones, and into the swallows of [the] earth, from the face of the inward dread of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise to smite the land. (And they shall enter into caves of stone, and into hollows of the earth, from the fear of the Lord, and the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise to strike the land.)

20 In that day a man shall cast away the idols of his silver, and the simulacra of his gold, which he had made to himself, for to worship mouldwarps and bats. (On that day a man shall throw away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which he had made for himself to worship, and he shall leave them for the moles and the bats.)

21 And he shall enter into [the] chinks, either crazings, of stones, and into the caves of hard rocks, from the face of the inward dread of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise to smite the land. (And he shall enter into the crevices of stone, and into the caves of hard rock, from the fear of the Lord, and the glory of his majesty, when he shall rise to strike the land.)

22 Therefore cease ye from a man, whose spirit is in his nostrils, for he is (but) areckoned (as) high. (And so have ye no more to do with man, who is not worth anything more, than the breath from his own nostrils.)


  1. Isaiah 2:4 In other writings, John Wycliffe renders this word in this verse as ‘plowghschares’ (‘plowshares’/‘ploughshares’).