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The inhabitants of Samaria will be in terror for the calves of Beth Aven;
    for its people will mourn over it,
    Along with its priests who rejoiced over it,
    for its glory, because it has departed from it.
It also will be carried to Assyria for a present to a great king.
    Ephraim will receive shame,
    and Israel will be ashamed of his own counsel.
Samaria and her king float away,
    like a twig on the water.
The high places also of Aven, the sin of Israel, will be destroyed.
    The thorn and the thistle will come up on their altars.
    They will tell the mountains, “Cover us!” and the hills, “Fall on us!”

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The people of Samaria tremble in fear
    for their calf idol at Beth-aven,[a]
    and they mourn for it.
Though its priests rejoice over it,
    its glory will be stripped away.[b]
This idol will be carted away to Assyria,
    a gift to the great king there.
Ephraim will be ridiculed and Israel will be shamed,
    because its people have trusted in this idol.
Samaria and its king will be cut off;
    they will float away like driftwood on an ocean wave.
And the pagan shrines of Aven,[c] the place of Israel’s sin, will crumble.
    Thorns and thistles will grow up around their altars.
They will beg the mountains, “Bury us!”
    and plead with the hills, “Fall on us!”

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  1. 10:5a Beth-aven means “house of wickedness”; it is being used as another name for Bethel, which means “house of God.”
  2. 10:5b Or will be taken away into exile.
  3. 10:8 Aven is a reference to Beth-aven; see 10:5a and the note there.