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10 And made them for Eloheinu a Malchut and kohanim, and they will reign on ha’aretz (the earth).

11 And I saw and I heard the kol (voice) of many malachim (angels); they numbered myriads of myriads and v’alfei alafim (thousands of thousands), around the Kes (Throne) and the Chayyot (the living beings) and the Zekenim (Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) [DANIEL 7:10]

12 Saying with a kol gadol, Worthy is the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) having been slain, to receive the oz (power) and the osher (wealth) and the chochmah (wisdom) and the gevurah (strength) and hod (honor) and kavod (glory) and bracha (blessing).

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10 And made them for Eloheinu a Malchut and kohanim, and they will reign on ha’aretz (the earth).

11 And I saw and I heard the kol (voice) of many malachim (angels); they numbered myriads of myriads and v’alfei alafim (thousands of thousands), around the Kes (Throne) and the Chayyot (the living beings) and the Zekenim (Elders, SHEMOT 12:21) [DANIEL 7:10]

12 Saying with a kol gadol, Worthy is the SEH (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach) having been slain, to receive the oz (power) and the osher (wealth) and the chochmah (wisdom) and the gevurah (strength) and hod (honor) and kavod (glory) and bracha (blessing).

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