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And I heard a kol gadol (loud voice), a Bat Kol from the Kisse (Throne) saying, "Hinei, The Mishkan of Hashem is with men, and He shall tabernacle with them, and they shall be His people, and Hashem Himself shall dwell among them. [SHEMOT 25:8; DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS 6:18; YECHEZKEL 48:35; ZECHARYAH 2:10]

“And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall not be any longer Mavet, nor Avelut nor weeping nor pain; the former things have passed away.” [YESHAYAH 25:8; 35:10]

And said the One sitting on the Kisse (Throne), "Hinei, I make all things chadash." And He says, “Write, for these dvarim are ne’emanim and amittiyim.”

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And I heard a kol gadol (loud voice), a Bat Kol from the Kisse (Throne) saying, "Hinei, The Mishkan of Hashem is with men, and He shall tabernacle with them, and they shall be His people, and Hashem Himself shall dwell among them. [SHEMOT 25:8; DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS 6:18; YECHEZKEL 48:35; ZECHARYAH 2:10]

“And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall not be any longer Mavet, nor Avelut nor weeping nor pain; the former things have passed away.” [YESHAYAH 25:8; 35:10]

And said the One sitting on the Kisse (Throne), "Hinei, I make all things chadash." And He says, “Write, for these dvarim are ne’emanim and amittiyim.”

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