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Quia na tueeˈ xuee Pentecostés, chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ ñeˈcwii tmaaⁿˈ tjomndyena. Matsˈia joˈ jnaⁿ na teicˈuaa jo nandye cañoomˈluee chaˈcwijom quia na jndeii mandyo jndye. Ndoˈ sˈaanaˈ na cˈuaa chaˈwaa naquiiˈ wˈaa yuu na meindyuaandyena. Teitquiooˈ ntyˈiaana nacjoo chaˈtsondyena ntyjo chaˈcwijom ntsaachom. Ndoˈ chaˈtsondyena tˈomna na tooˈ Espíritu Santo chaˈwaañˈeⁿ naquiiˈ nˈomna. Tquiaaⁿ na laˈxmaⁿna cantyja najneiⁿ. Ndoˈ jnaⁿnaˈ na jlaˈneiⁿna ntˈomcheⁿ nnom ñˈoom na nchii ñˈoom na maxjeⁿ cwilaˈneiⁿna.

Joo ncueeˈñeeⁿ mˈaⁿya nnˈaⁿ judíos naquiiˈ tsjoom Jerusalén na jeeⁿ queeⁿ nˈom tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Naⁿˈñeeⁿ jnaⁿna chaˈwaa nnom tsjoomnancue. Quia na teicˈuaa na luaaˈ, quia joˈ tyˈecantyˈiaana. Meiⁿ leicalaˈno̱ⁿˈna ee chaˈtsondyena tyondyena na tyolaˈneiⁿ naⁿˈñeeⁿ cwii cwii nnom ñˈoom na cwilaˈneiⁿ nquieena. Jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyueneiiⁿna, ndoˈ tyomˈaaⁿˈ nˈomna. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena:

—Chaˈtsondye naⁿmˈaⁿˈ na cwilaˈneiⁿna ñequiiˈcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ tsˈo̱ndaa Galilea joona, quia joˈ ¿chiuu waayuu na cwindya̱a̱ya na ya cwilaˈneiⁿna cwii cwii nnom ñˈoom na cwilana̱a̱ⁿya xjeⁿ na tquiowijnda̱a̱ya? Ee jaa tiñeˈcwii ndyuaa jnaaⁿya. Ntˈomndyo̱ jnaaⁿ ndyuaa Partia, ntˈomndyo̱ Media, Elam ñˈeⁿ Mesopotamia, tsˈo̱ndaa Judea ñˈeⁿ Capadocia, mati Ponto ñˈeⁿ ndyuaa Asia. 10 Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya ndyuaa Frigia ñˈeⁿ Panfilia, Egipto ñˈeⁿ ntˈomcheⁿ lˈo̱ndaa África na manndyooˈ Cirene. Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jnaaⁿya tsjoom Roma, na tuiindyo̱ nnˈaⁿ judíos ndoˈ mati ñˈeⁿ nnˈaⁿ meiⁿ nchii tuiindyena nnˈaⁿ tsjaaⁿ jaa, sa̱a̱ macwilaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom chaˈxjeⁿ na jaa nnˈaⁿ judíos cwilatˈmaaⁿˈndyo̱ jom. 11 Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya Creta ñˈeⁿ Arabia. Sa̱a̱ chaˈtsondyo̱ cwindya̱a̱ na ya cwilaˈneiⁿ naⁿmˈaaⁿˈ ñˈoomya. Cwiluena cantyja na jeeⁿ tˈmaⁿ machˈee Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.

12 Chaˈtsondye naⁿˈñeeⁿ na jnaⁿ cwii cwii joo, jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyojaaweeˈ nˈomna ndoˈ seiñˈeeⁿˈnaˈ joona. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ncˈiaana:

—¿Ljoˈ ñecaˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ na luaaˈ cwiluii?

13 Sa̱a̱ ntˈomcheⁿ cweˈ tyonco, tyolue:

—Naⁿmˈaⁿˈ jnda̱ jndyeena.

Ñˈoom na tso Pedro nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ

14 Quia joˈ Pedro teintyjeeⁿˈeⁿ ñequio canchooˈcwii apóstoles. Jndeii seineiiⁿ, tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya ntyja̱ño̱ⁿya nnˈaⁿ judíos ñequiondyoˈ ˈo na tsjomˈyoˈ ñjaaⁿ Jerusalén, queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta ndoˈ candyeˈyoˈ ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱. 15 Ee naⁿmˈaⁿˈ nchii na candyeena chaˈxjeⁿ na cwilaˈtiuuˈyoˈ, ee jeˈ quia tueeˈcheⁿ na ñjeeⁿ na cwitsjoom. 16 Sa̱a̱ juu na cwintyˈiaˈyoˈ na cwiluii matseicanda̱a̱ˈñenaˈ ñˈoom na tyoñequiaa profeta Joel, tsoom:

17 Ncuee na macanda̱, matso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom,
njño̱o̱ⁿya Espíritu na cwiluiindyo̱ naquiiˈ nˈom jndye nnˈaⁿ.
Ndaˈyoˈ na naⁿnom ñequio ndaˈyoˈ na naⁿlcu nlaˈneiⁿna ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱na.
Naⁿnom na titquiendye waa na nlcoˈnaˈ nda̱a̱na na nntyˈiaana.
Ndoˈ naⁿnom na tquiendye ndaa nntsoona.
18 Ncueeˈñeeⁿ njño̱o̱ⁿya Espíritu na cwiluiindyo̱ naquiiˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ na cwindyeˈntjom no̱o̱ⁿ meiiⁿ naⁿnom ndoˈ meiiⁿ naⁿlcu.
Nñequia naⁿˈñeeⁿ ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱na.
19 Ndoˈ nntsˈaaya na nleitquiooˈ jndye nnom ˈnaaⁿ jo nandye tsjo̱ˈluee na nlaˈcatyuendye nnˈaⁿ quia na nntyˈiaana.
Ndoˈ nntsˈaaya ˈnaaⁿ na nleitquiooˈ jo nacje nnom tsjoomnancue,
chaˈna niomˈ ñequio chom ñequio ndioom.
20 Ñeˈquioomˈ nntseicwaqueⁿnaˈ na jo̱o̱ⁿñe nnom,
ndoˈ chiˈ nntseicwaqueⁿnaˈ chaˈcwijom niomˈ.
Nmeiⁿˈ nluii cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncueeˈ xuee cantyja ˈnaⁿ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿ.
Juu xueeˈñeeⁿ tˈmaⁿticheⁿ matseixmaⁿnaˈ na nleitquiooˈ najndeii na matseixmaⁿya.
21 Sa̱a̱ cwii cwii tsˈaⁿ na nncwjiˈ xueya na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿ, juu tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ nluiinˈmaaⁿñe.”

Luaaˈ ñˈoom na tso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñequio ˈndyoo Joel.

22 Tsoti Pedro:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya Israel, candyeyaˈyoˈ na nntsjo̱o̱ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús tsaⁿ na jnaⁿ Nazaret. Tquiooˈ na nquii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jñom jom ee jndye nnom tsˈiaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ sˈaaⁿ quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ na nchii na nnda̱a̱ nnluii na cweˈ tsˈaⁿ nntsˈaa, meiⁿ xocjaantyjo̱o̱ˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ chiuu tuiiyuu. Ndoˈ ˈo manquiuˈyoˈ na ljoˈ ee cantyja najndeii na matseixmaⁿ nquii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, joˈ na tyochˈee Jesús ˈnaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ. 23 Maxjeⁿ teiyo ntyjii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na nncˈoom Jesús lueeˈyoˈ ee seijndaaˈñê na tuii na ljoˈ. Joˈ na tioˈyoˈ Jesús luee nnˈaⁿ romanos. ˈO lˈaˈyoˈ na tyˈioomna jom tsˈoomˈnaaⁿ na jlacueeˈna jom. 24 Sa̱a̱ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom tquiaa na tandoˈxcoom na tueeⁿˈeⁿ. Seicandyaañe jom na ñetˈomtsˈooñê ee tijoom jndaa caljooˈñê nacje ˈnaaⁿˈ na cwiwje nnˈaⁿ. 25 Seineiⁿ rey David na ndooˈ matseineiⁿ nquii Jesús. Matsoom:

Mantyˈiaya Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na ñequiiˈcheⁿ mˈaaⁿñê jo no̱o̱ⁿya.
Ncˈe na mˈaaⁿñê ñˈeⁿndyo̱, joˈ chii xocjuˈcjenaˈ ja.
26 Joˈ na jeeⁿ neiⁿnco tsˈo̱o̱ⁿya,
ndoˈ ñequio na neiⁿya mataya.
Ndoˈ cweˈ ncˈe meindo̱o̱ˈntyˈiaandyo̱,
joˈ na machˈeenaˈ na mawajndya̱ya.
27 Ee xonquiaaˈ na nljooˈndyo̱ tseiˈtsuaa
meiⁿ xonquiaaˈ na nnto̱ˈndyo̱ ee cwiluiindyo̱ na ljuˈ tsˈo̱o̱ⁿ na mandiˈntjo̱ⁿya njomˈ.
28 ˈU tˈmo̱ⁿˈ no̱o̱ⁿya nato cantyja na nncwandoˈxco tsˈaⁿ.
Ndoˈ na nncˈo̱o̱ⁿya ñˈeⁿndyuˈ nntsˈaanaˈ na neiⁿtya̱ya.

Luaaˈ ñˈoom na seineiⁿ David.

29 Tsoti Pedro:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya, ndyeyu nntsjo̱o̱ nndyeˈyoˈ na tueˈ welooya David na ñetˈoom teiyo. Tyˈecatˈiuuna jom, ndoˈ tseiˈtsuaⁿˈaⁿ ndicwaⁿ waanaˈ tsjoom ñjaaⁿ hasta xuee jeˈ. 30 Jom tyoluiiñê profeta, ndoˈ ntyjiiyaaⁿ na tso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñˈoomtyeⁿ nnoom na nluiiñe Cristo quiiˈntaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ tsjaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈaⁿ na nndyowicantyjooˈ ndoˈ juu tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ nncjaacjoo ntio na ñetacatyeeⁿ. 31 Ndoˈ chaˈcwijom na nntyˈiaaˈ nnoom najnda̱ tuiinaˈ, joˈ na tsoom na xocaljooˈñe añmaaⁿˈ yuu na cwiljooˈndye añmaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ ndoˈ meiⁿ seiiˈ xocato̱o̱ˈ. 32 Ñˈoommeiⁿˈ seineiiⁿ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús. Ndoˈ chaˈtsondyô̱ cwitjeiˈyuuˈndyô̱ na mayuuˈ na tquiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na tandoˈxco juu. 33 Jeˈ mˈaaⁿ ntyjaaˈ tsˈo̱ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ntyjaya yuu na matseitˈmaaⁿˈñenaˈ jom. Joˈ na jnda̱ jñom Tsotyeeⁿ Espíritu Santo naquiiˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ chaˈxjeⁿ ñˈoomtyeⁿ na tqueⁿ ndoˈ na cwiluii chaˈtso na cwintyˈiaˈyoˈ jeˈ ndoˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ. 34 Ee nchii nquii David tja cañoomˈluee. Joˈ chii maˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús seneiiⁿ. Ee tso David:

Seineiⁿ Ta Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom nnom Ta na matsa̱ˈntjom ja.
Matsoom nnom:
“Cajmaⁿˈ jo ntyjaaˈ tsˈo̱o̱ya ntyjaya
35 hasta xjeⁿ na jnda̱ tsa̱ˈa nnˈaⁿ na jndoo ˈu cjeeˈ ncˈeˈ.”

36 Tsoti Pedro:

—Quia joˈ chaˈtsondyoˈ ˈo nnˈaⁿ Israel calaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ na mayuuˈ na juu Jesús na tyˈiomˈyoˈ tsˈoomˈnaaⁿ, tqueⁿ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na Ta jom na matsa̱ˈntjoom jaa ndoˈ na Cristo jom na macwjiˈnˈmaaⁿñê jaa.

37 Ndoˈ quia jndye nnˈaⁿ Israel na luaaˈ, jeeⁿ seiˈndaaˈnaˈ nquiuna. Jluena nnom Pedro ñequio nda̱a̱ ntˈomcheⁿ apóstoles:

—ˈO nnˈaaⁿya, ¿chiuu macaⁿnaˈ na calˈaayâ?

38 Quia joˈ tˈo̱ Pedro nda̱a̱na:

—Ticwiindyoˈ ˈo calcweˈ nˈomˈyoˈ ndoˈ cwitsˈoomndyoˈ ñequio xueeˈ Jesucristo, cha nntseitˈmaⁿ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jnaⁿˈyoˈ. Quia joˈ nntoˈñoomˈyoˈ Espíritu Santo naquiiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ. 39 Ee ñˈoomtyeⁿwaaˈ tseixmaⁿnaˈ cwentaˈ ˈo ñˈeⁿ ndaˈyoˈ, ndoˈ cwentaa chaˈtso nnˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ na tquia, ndoˈ mati ticwii cwii tsˈaⁿ na maˈmaⁿ Ta Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaya.

40 Pedro jndye ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tyocwjiˈyuuˈñetyeeⁿ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ tyotseijndo̱ˈtyeeⁿ nˈomna. Tsoom:

—Catjeiˈndyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ jeˈ na quieˈ nˈom cha nnda̱a̱ nluiˈnˈmaaⁿndyoˈ.

41 Quia joˈ nnˈaⁿ na jlaˈyuˈ ñˈoom na tsoom teitsˈoomndyena. Juu xueeˈñeeⁿ, chaˈna ndyee meiⁿndyena jlaˈyuˈna. 42 Tyoqueⁿndyena na tyondyena ñˈoom na tyotˈmo̱o̱ⁿ apóstolesˈñeeⁿ. Tjoomˈ tyomˈaⁿna ñequio naⁿˈñeeⁿ. Tyotjomndyena na tyotyjena tyooˈ na tyocañjom nˈomna Jesús. Ndoˈ tyolaˈneiⁿna nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.

Luaa tyomˈaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na tyolaˈyuˈjndyee

43 Chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ tyotseitsaⁿˈnaˈ joona ee na tyontyˈiaana jndye tsˈiaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ na tyolˈa apóstoles na xocanda̱a̱ nluii na cweˈ na jnda̱ nquieena meiⁿ xocjaantyjo̱o̱ˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ ˈnaaⁿ na tuii. 44 Chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ jlaˈyuˈ, ñeˈcwii nˈomna. Ndoˈ chaˈtso ˈnaⁿ na tyowilˈueeˈndyena tjom na ˈnaaⁿna joonaˈ. 45 Tyonda̱a̱na ndyuaana ñequio ntˈomcheⁿ ˈnaaⁿna na waa. Ndoˈ sˈom na tyotoˈñoomna tyoto̱ⁿˈna joonaˈ, tyoñequiana nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na tyotseitjo̱o̱naˈ joo. 46 ˈIo ndi ˈio tyotjomndyena watsˈom tˈmaⁿ. Mati naquiiˈ lˈaana tyolaˈjomndyena na tyotyjena tyooˈ na tyocañjom nˈomna Jesús. Tyocwaˈna ñequio na neiiⁿna ndoˈ na xcweeˈ nˈomna. 47 Tyolaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ndoˈ chaˈtsondye ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ tyotjeiiˈya joona. Ndoˈ ˈio ndi ˈio tyocwjiˈnˈmaaⁿñeticheⁿ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom nnˈaⁿ. Joˈ chii tjawitˈmaⁿti tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ.

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

When the day of Pentecost(A) came, they were all together(B) in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.(C) They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit(D) and began to speak in other tongues[a](E) as the Spirit enabled them.

Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing(F) Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed,(G) they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?(H) Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia,(I) Pontus(J) and Asia,[b](K) 10 Phrygia(L) and Pamphylia,(M) Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene;(N) visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”(O)

Peter Addresses the Crowd

14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!(P) 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.(Q)
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,(R)
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
    and they will prophesy.(S)
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
    and signs on the earth below,(T)
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood(U)
    before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord(V) will be saved.’[c](W)

22 “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth(X) was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs,(Y) which God did among you through him,(Z) as you yourselves know. 23 This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge;(AA) and you, with the help of wicked men,[d] put him to death by nailing him to the cross.(AB) 24 But God raised him from the dead,(AC) freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.(AD) 25 David said about him:

“‘I saw the Lord always before me.
    Because he is at my right hand,
    I will not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
    my body also will rest in hope,
27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
    you will not let your holy one see decay.(AE)
28 You have made known to me the paths of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence.’[e](AF)

29 “Fellow Israelites,(AG) I can tell you confidently that the patriarch(AH) David died and was buried,(AI) and his tomb is here(AJ) to this day. 30 But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.(AK) 31 Seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that he was not abandoned to the realm of the dead, nor did his body see decay.(AL) 32 God has raised this Jesus to life,(AM) and we are all witnesses(AN) of it. 33 Exalted(AO) to the right hand of God,(AP) he has received from the Father(AQ) the promised Holy Spirit(AR) and has poured out(AS) what you now see and hear. 34 For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said,

“‘The Lord said to my Lord:
    “Sit at my right hand
35 until I make your enemies
    a footstool for your feet.”’[f](AT)

36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord(AU) and Messiah.”(AV)

37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”(AW)

38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized,(AX) every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.(AY) And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(AZ) 39 The promise is for you and your children(BA) and for all who are far off(BB)—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”(BC) 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number(BD) that day.

The Fellowship of the Believers

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching(BE) and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread(BF) and to prayer.(BG) 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.(BH) 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common.(BI) 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.(BJ) 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.(BK) They broke bread(BL) in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.(BM) And the Lord added to their number(BN) daily those who were being saved.


  1. Acts 2:4 Or languages; also in verse 11
  2. Acts 2:9 That is, the Roman province by that name
  3. Acts 2:21 Joel 2:28-32
  4. Acts 2:23 Or of those not having the law (that is, Gentiles)
  5. Acts 2:28 Psalm 16:8-11 (see Septuagint)
  6. Acts 2:35 Psalm 110:1

Quia na tueeˈ xuee Pentecostés, chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ na cwilaˈyuˈ ñeˈcwii tmaaⁿˈ tjomndyena. Matsˈia joˈ jnaⁿ na teicˈuaa jo nandye cañoomˈluee chaˈcwijom quia na jndeii mandyo jndye. Ndoˈ sˈaanaˈ na cˈuaa chaˈwaa naquiiˈ wˈaa yuu na meindyuaandyena. Teitquiooˈ ntyˈiaana nacjoo chaˈtsondyena ntyjo chaˈcwijom ntsaachom. Ndoˈ chaˈtsondyena tˈomna na tooˈ Espíritu Santo chaˈwaañˈeⁿ naquiiˈ nˈomna. Tquiaaⁿ na laˈxmaⁿna cantyja najneiⁿ. Ndoˈ jnaⁿnaˈ na jlaˈneiⁿna ntˈomcheⁿ nnom ñˈoom na nchii ñˈoom na maxjeⁿ cwilaˈneiⁿna.

Joo ncueeˈñeeⁿ mˈaⁿya nnˈaⁿ judíos naquiiˈ tsjoom Jerusalén na jeeⁿ queeⁿ nˈom tsˈiaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom. Naⁿˈñeeⁿ jnaⁿna chaˈwaa nnom tsjoomnancue. Quia na teicˈuaa na luaaˈ, quia joˈ tyˈecantyˈiaana. Meiⁿ leicalaˈno̱ⁿˈna ee chaˈtsondyena tyondyena na tyolaˈneiⁿ naⁿˈñeeⁿ cwii cwii nnom ñˈoom na cwilaˈneiⁿ nquieena. Jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyueneiiⁿna, ndoˈ tyomˈaaⁿˈ nˈomna. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ntyjeena:

—Chaˈtsondye naⁿmˈaⁿˈ na cwilaˈneiⁿna ñequiiˈcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ tsˈo̱ndaa Galilea joona, quia joˈ ¿chiuu waayuu na cwindya̱a̱ya na ya cwilaˈneiⁿna cwii cwii nnom ñˈoom na cwilana̱a̱ⁿya xjeⁿ na tquiowijnda̱a̱ya? Ee jaa tiñeˈcwii ndyuaa jnaaⁿya. Ntˈomndyo̱ jnaaⁿ ndyuaa Partia, ntˈomndyo̱ Media, Elam ñˈeⁿ Mesopotamia, tsˈo̱ndaa Judea ñˈeⁿ Capadocia, mati Ponto ñˈeⁿ ndyuaa Asia. 10 Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya ndyuaa Frigia ñˈeⁿ Panfilia, Egipto ñˈeⁿ ntˈomcheⁿ lˈo̱ndaa África na manndyooˈ Cirene. Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jnaaⁿya tsjoom Roma, na tuiindyo̱ nnˈaⁿ judíos ndoˈ mati ñˈeⁿ nnˈaⁿ meiⁿ nchii tuiindyena nnˈaⁿ tsjaaⁿ jaa, sa̱a̱ macwilaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom chaˈxjeⁿ na jaa nnˈaⁿ judíos cwilatˈmaaⁿˈndyo̱ jom. 11 Ndoˈ ntˈomndyo̱ jaa jnaaⁿya Creta ñˈeⁿ Arabia. Sa̱a̱ chaˈtsondyo̱ cwindya̱a̱ na ya cwilaˈneiⁿ naⁿmˈaaⁿˈ ñˈoomya. Cwiluena cantyja na jeeⁿ tˈmaⁿ machˈee Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.

12 Chaˈtsondye naⁿˈñeeⁿ na jnaⁿ cwii cwii joo, jeeⁿ ndyaˈ tyojaaweeˈ nˈomna ndoˈ seiñˈeeⁿˈnaˈ joona. Tyoluena nda̱a̱ ncˈiaana:

—¿Ljoˈ ñecaˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ na luaaˈ cwiluii?

13 Sa̱a̱ ntˈomcheⁿ cweˈ tyonco, tyolue:

—Naⁿmˈaⁿˈ jnda̱ jndyeena.

Ñˈoom na tso Pedro nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ

14 Quia joˈ Pedro teintyjeeⁿˈeⁿ ñequio canchooˈcwii apóstoles. Jndeii seineiiⁿ, tsoom nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya ntyja̱ño̱ⁿya nnˈaⁿ judíos ñequiondyoˈ ˈo na tsjomˈyoˈ ñjaaⁿ Jerusalén, queⁿˈyoˈ cwenta ndoˈ candyeˈyoˈ ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱. 15 Ee naⁿmˈaⁿˈ nchii na candyeena chaˈxjeⁿ na cwilaˈtiuuˈyoˈ, ee jeˈ quia tueeˈcheⁿ na ñjeeⁿ na cwitsjoom. 16 Sa̱a̱ juu na cwintyˈiaˈyoˈ na cwiluii matseicanda̱a̱ˈñenaˈ ñˈoom na tyoñequiaa profeta Joel, tsoom:

17 Ncuee na macanda̱, matso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom,
njño̱o̱ⁿya Espíritu na cwiluiindyo̱ naquiiˈ nˈom jndye nnˈaⁿ.
Ndaˈyoˈ na naⁿnom ñequio ndaˈyoˈ na naⁿlcu nlaˈneiⁿna ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱na.
Naⁿnom na titquiendye waa na nlcoˈnaˈ nda̱a̱na na nntyˈiaana.
Ndoˈ naⁿnom na tquiendye ndaa nntsoona.
18 Ncueeˈñeeⁿ njño̱o̱ⁿya Espíritu na cwiluiindyo̱ naquiiˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ na cwindyeˈntjom no̱o̱ⁿ meiiⁿ naⁿnom ndoˈ meiiⁿ naⁿlcu.
Nñequia naⁿˈñeeⁿ ñˈoom na nntsjo̱o̱ nda̱a̱na.
19 Ndoˈ nntsˈaaya na nleitquiooˈ jndye nnom ˈnaaⁿ jo nandye tsjo̱ˈluee na nlaˈcatyuendye nnˈaⁿ quia na nntyˈiaana.
Ndoˈ nntsˈaaya ˈnaaⁿ na nleitquiooˈ jo nacje nnom tsjoomnancue,
chaˈna niomˈ ñequio chom ñequio ndioom.
20 Ñeˈquioomˈ nntseicwaqueⁿnaˈ na jo̱o̱ⁿñe nnom,
ndoˈ chiˈ nntseicwaqueⁿnaˈ chaˈcwijom niomˈ.
Nmeiⁿˈ nluii cwii tjo̱o̱cheⁿ na nncueeˈ xuee cantyja ˈnaⁿ ja na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿ.
Juu xueeˈñeeⁿ tˈmaⁿticheⁿ matseixmaⁿnaˈ na nleitquiooˈ najndeii na matseixmaⁿya.
21 Sa̱a̱ cwii cwii tsˈaⁿ na nncwjiˈ xueya na cwiluiindyo̱ na matsa̱ˈntjo̱ⁿ, juu tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ nluiinˈmaaⁿñe.”

Luaaˈ ñˈoom na tso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñequio ˈndyoo Joel.

22 Tsoti Pedro:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya Israel, candyeyaˈyoˈ na nntsjo̱o̱ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús tsaⁿ na jnaⁿ Nazaret. Tquiooˈ na nquii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jñom jom ee jndye nnom tsˈiaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ sˈaaⁿ quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ na nchii na nnda̱a̱ nnluii na cweˈ tsˈaⁿ nntsˈaa, meiⁿ xocjaantyjo̱o̱ˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ chiuu tuiiyuu. Ndoˈ ˈo manquiuˈyoˈ na ljoˈ ee cantyja najndeii na matseixmaⁿ nquii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom, joˈ na tyochˈee Jesús ˈnaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ quiiˈntaaⁿˈyoˈ. 23 Maxjeⁿ teiyo ntyjii Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na nncˈoom Jesús lueeˈyoˈ ee seijndaaˈñê na tuii na ljoˈ. Joˈ na tioˈyoˈ Jesús luee nnˈaⁿ romanos. ˈO lˈaˈyoˈ na tyˈioomna jom tsˈoomˈnaaⁿ na jlacueeˈna jom. 24 Sa̱a̱ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom tquiaa na tandoˈxcoom na tueeⁿˈeⁿ. Seicandyaañe jom na ñetˈomtsˈooñê ee tijoom jndaa caljooˈñê nacje ˈnaaⁿˈ na cwiwje nnˈaⁿ. 25 Seineiⁿ rey David na ndooˈ matseineiⁿ nquii Jesús. Matsoom:

Mantyˈiaya Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na ñequiiˈcheⁿ mˈaaⁿñê jo no̱o̱ⁿya.
Ncˈe na mˈaaⁿñê ñˈeⁿndyo̱, joˈ chii xocjuˈcjenaˈ ja.
26 Joˈ na jeeⁿ neiⁿnco tsˈo̱o̱ⁿya,
ndoˈ ñequio na neiⁿya mataya.
Ndoˈ cweˈ ncˈe meindo̱o̱ˈntyˈiaandyo̱,
joˈ na machˈeenaˈ na mawajndya̱ya.
27 Ee xonquiaaˈ na nljooˈndyo̱ tseiˈtsuaa
meiⁿ xonquiaaˈ na nnto̱ˈndyo̱ ee cwiluiindyo̱ na ljuˈ tsˈo̱o̱ⁿ na mandiˈntjo̱ⁿya njomˈ.
28 ˈU tˈmo̱ⁿˈ no̱o̱ⁿya nato cantyja na nncwandoˈxco tsˈaⁿ.
Ndoˈ na nncˈo̱o̱ⁿya ñˈeⁿndyuˈ nntsˈaanaˈ na neiⁿtya̱ya.

Luaaˈ ñˈoom na seineiⁿ David.

29 Tsoti Pedro:

—ˈO nnˈaⁿya, ndyeyu nntsjo̱o̱ nndyeˈyoˈ na tueˈ welooya David na ñetˈoom teiyo. Tyˈecatˈiuuna jom, ndoˈ tseiˈtsuaⁿˈaⁿ ndicwaⁿ waanaˈ tsjoom ñjaaⁿ hasta xuee jeˈ. 30 Jom tyoluiiñê profeta, ndoˈ ntyjiiyaaⁿ na tso Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ñˈoomtyeⁿ nnoom na nluiiñe Cristo quiiˈntaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ tsjaaⁿ ˈnaaⁿˈaⁿ na nndyowicantyjooˈ ndoˈ juu tsaⁿˈñeeⁿ nncjaacjoo ntio na ñetacatyeeⁿ. 31 Ndoˈ chaˈcwijom na nntyˈiaaˈ nnoom najnda̱ tuiinaˈ, joˈ na tsoom na xocaljooˈñe añmaaⁿˈ yuu na cwiljooˈndye añmaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ tja̱ ndoˈ meiⁿ seiiˈ xocato̱o̱ˈ. 32 Ñˈoommeiⁿˈ seineiiⁿ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús. Ndoˈ chaˈtsondyô̱ cwitjeiˈyuuˈndyô̱ na mayuuˈ na tquiaa Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na tandoˈxco juu. 33 Jeˈ mˈaaⁿ ntyjaaˈ tsˈo̱ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ntyjaya yuu na matseitˈmaaⁿˈñenaˈ jom. Joˈ na jnda̱ jñom Tsotyeeⁿ Espíritu Santo naquiiˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ chaˈxjeⁿ ñˈoomtyeⁿ na tqueⁿ ndoˈ na cwiluii chaˈtso na cwintyˈiaˈyoˈ jeˈ ndoˈ na cwindyeˈyoˈ. 34 Ee nchii nquii David tja cañoomˈluee. Joˈ chii maˈmo̱ⁿnaˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿˈ Jesús seneiiⁿ. Ee tso David:

Seineiⁿ Ta Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom nnom Ta na matsa̱ˈntjom ja.
Matsoom nnom:
“Cajmaⁿˈ jo ntyjaaˈ tsˈo̱o̱ya ntyjaya
35 hasta xjeⁿ na jnda̱ tsa̱ˈa nnˈaⁿ na jndoo ˈu cjeeˈ ncˈeˈ.”

36 Tsoti Pedro:

—Quia joˈ chaˈtsondyoˈ ˈo nnˈaⁿ Israel calaˈno̱ⁿˈyoˈ na mayuuˈ na juu Jesús na tyˈiomˈyoˈ tsˈoomˈnaaⁿ, tqueⁿ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom na Ta jom na matsa̱ˈntjoom jaa ndoˈ na Cristo jom na macwjiˈnˈmaaⁿñê jaa.

37 Ndoˈ quia jndye nnˈaⁿ Israel na luaaˈ, jeeⁿ seiˈndaaˈnaˈ nquiuna. Jluena nnom Pedro ñequio nda̱a̱ ntˈomcheⁿ apóstoles:

—ˈO nnˈaaⁿya, ¿chiuu macaⁿnaˈ na calˈaayâ?

38 Quia joˈ tˈo̱ Pedro nda̱a̱na:

—Ticwiindyoˈ ˈo calcweˈ nˈomˈyoˈ ndoˈ cwitsˈoomndyoˈ ñequio xueeˈ Jesucristo, cha nntseitˈmaⁿ tsˈom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom jnaⁿˈyoˈ. Quia joˈ nntoˈñoomˈyoˈ Espíritu Santo naquiiˈ nˈomˈyoˈ. 39 Ee ñˈoomtyeⁿwaaˈ tseixmaⁿnaˈ cwentaˈ ˈo ñˈeⁿ ndaˈyoˈ, ndoˈ cwentaa chaˈtso nnˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ na tquia, ndoˈ mati ticwii cwii tsˈaⁿ na maˈmaⁿ Ta Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaya.

40 Pedro jndye ntˈomcheⁿ ñˈoom tyocwjiˈyuuˈñetyeeⁿ nda̱a̱na. Ndoˈ tyotseijndo̱ˈtyeeⁿ nˈomna. Tsoom:

—Catjeiˈndyoˈ cantyja ˈnaaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na mˈaⁿ jeˈ na quieˈ nˈom cha nnda̱a̱ nluiˈnˈmaaⁿndyoˈ.

41 Quia joˈ nnˈaⁿ na jlaˈyuˈ ñˈoom na tsoom teitsˈoomndyena. Juu xueeˈñeeⁿ, chaˈna ndyee meiⁿndyena jlaˈyuˈna. 42 Tyoqueⁿndyena na tyondyena ñˈoom na tyotˈmo̱o̱ⁿ apóstolesˈñeeⁿ. Tjoomˈ tyomˈaⁿna ñequio naⁿˈñeeⁿ. Tyotjomndyena na tyotyjena tyooˈ na tyocañjom nˈomna Jesús. Ndoˈ tyolaˈneiⁿna nnom Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom.

Luaa tyomˈaⁿ nnˈaⁿ na tyolaˈyuˈjndyee

43 Chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ tyotseitsaⁿˈnaˈ joona ee na tyontyˈiaana jndye tsˈiaaⁿ tˈmaⁿ na tyolˈa apóstoles na xocanda̱a̱ nluii na cweˈ na jnda̱ nquieena meiⁿ xocjaantyjo̱o̱ˈ nˈom nnˈaⁿ ˈnaaⁿ na tuii. 44 Chaˈtsondye nnˈaⁿ na jnda̱ jlaˈyuˈ, ñeˈcwii nˈomna. Ndoˈ chaˈtso ˈnaⁿ na tyowilˈueeˈndyena tjom na ˈnaaⁿna joonaˈ. 45 Tyonda̱a̱na ndyuaana ñequio ntˈomcheⁿ ˈnaaⁿna na waa. Ndoˈ sˈom na tyotoˈñoomna tyoto̱ⁿˈna joonaˈ, tyoñequiana nda̱a̱ nnˈaⁿ na tyotseitjo̱o̱naˈ joo. 46 ˈIo ndi ˈio tyotjomndyena watsˈom tˈmaⁿ. Mati naquiiˈ lˈaana tyolaˈjomndyena na tyotyjena tyooˈ na tyocañjom nˈomna Jesús. Tyocwaˈna ñequio na neiiⁿna ndoˈ na xcweeˈ nˈomna. 47 Tyolaˈtˈmaaⁿˈndyena Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom ndoˈ chaˈtsondye ntˈomcheⁿ nnˈaⁿ tyotjeiiˈya joona. Ndoˈ ˈio ndi ˈio tyocwjiˈnˈmaaⁿñeticheⁿ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom nnˈaⁿ. Joˈ chii tjawitˈmaⁿti tmaaⁿˈ nnˈaⁿ na macwjiˈ Tyˈo̱o̱tsˈom cwentaaⁿˈaⁿ.

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

When the day of Pentecost(A) came, they were all together(B) in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.(C) They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit(D) and began to speak in other tongues[a](E) as the Spirit enabled them.

Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing(F) Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed,(G) they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?(H) Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia,(I) Pontus(J) and Asia,[b](K) 10 Phrygia(L) and Pamphylia,(M) Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene;(N) visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”(O)

Peter Addresses the Crowd

14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!(P) 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.(Q)
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,(R)
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
    and they will prophesy.(S)
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
    and signs on the earth below,(T)
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood(U)
    before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord(V) will be saved.’[c](W)

22 “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth(X) was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs,(Y) which God did among you through him,(Z) as you yourselves know. 23 This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge;(AA) and you, with the help of wicked men,[d] put him to death by nailing him to the cross.(AB) 24 But God raised him from the dead,(AC) freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.(AD) 25 David said about him:

“‘I saw the Lord always before me.
    Because he is at my right hand,
    I will not be shaken.
26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
    my body also will rest in hope,
27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
    you will not let your holy one see decay.(AE)
28 You have made known to me the paths of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence.’[e](AF)

29 “Fellow Israelites,(AG) I can tell you confidently that the patriarch(AH) David died and was buried,(AI) and his tomb is here(AJ) to this day. 30 But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.(AK) 31 Seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that he was not abandoned to the realm of the dead, nor did his body see decay.(AL) 32 God has raised this Jesus to life,(AM) and we are all witnesses(AN) of it. 33 Exalted(AO) to the right hand of God,(AP) he has received from the Father(AQ) the promised Holy Spirit(AR) and has poured out(AS) what you now see and hear. 34 For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said,

“‘The Lord said to my Lord:
    “Sit at my right hand
35 until I make your enemies
    a footstool for your feet.”’[f](AT)

36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord(AU) and Messiah.”(AV)

37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”(AW)

38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized,(AX) every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.(AY) And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(AZ) 39 The promise is for you and your children(BA) and for all who are far off(BB)—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

40 With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.”(BC) 41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number(BD) that day.

The Fellowship of the Believers

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching(BE) and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread(BF) and to prayer.(BG) 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.(BH) 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common.(BI) 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.(BJ) 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.(BK) They broke bread(BL) in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.(BM) And the Lord added to their number(BN) daily those who were being saved.


  1. Acts 2:4 Or languages; also in verse 11
  2. Acts 2:9 That is, the Roman province by that name
  3. Acts 2:21 Joel 2:28-32
  4. Acts 2:23 Or of those not having the law (that is, Gentiles)
  5. Acts 2:28 Psalm 16:8-11 (see Septuagint)
  6. Acts 2:35 Psalm 110:1