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15 And therefore he is a mediator of the new testament, that by death falling betwixt [that death falling between], into redemption of the trespassings that were under the former testament, they that be called take the promise of everlasting heritage.

16 For where a testament is, it is need, that the death of the testament maker come betwixt [come between].

17 For a testament is confirmed in dead men; else it is not worth [else it is (of) no worth], while he liveth, that made the testament.

18 Wherefore neither the first testament was hallowed without blood.

19 For when each commandment of the law was read of Moses to all the people, he took the blood of calves, and of bucks of goats, with water, and red wool, and hyssop, and besprinkled [sprinkled] both that book and all the people,

20 and said [saying], This is the blood of the testament, that God commanded to you.

21 Also he sprinkled with blood the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the service in like manner [and all the vessels of ministry, or service, in like manner].

22 And almost all things be cleansed in blood by the law; and without shedding of blood remission of sins is not made.

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