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God [a]came from Teman,
And the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah
His glory covered the heavens,
And the earth was full of his praise.
And his brightness was as the light;
He had [b]rays coming forth [c]from his hand;
And there was the hiding of his power.
Before him went the pestilence,
And [d]fiery bolts went forth at his feet.

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  1. Habakkuk 3:3 Or, cometh (and similarly to the end of verse 15)
  2. Habakkuk 3:4 Hebrew horns.
  3. Habakkuk 3:4 Or, at his side
  4. Habakkuk 3:5 Or, burning coals

God comes from (A)Teman,
And the Holy One from Mount (B)Paran. Selah.
His (C)splendor covers the heavens,
And the (D)earth is full of His praise.
His (E)radiance is like the sunlight;
He has rays flashing from His hand,
And there is the hiding of His (F)power.
Before Him goes (G)pestilence,
And (H)plague comes [a]after Him.

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  1. Habakkuk 3:5 Lit at His feet