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22 But Rav Sha’ul even more was being strengthened and was confounding the unbelieving Yehudim dwelling in Damascus, by proving that this Yehoshua is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

23 But when yamim rabbim were completed, the ones of the Yehudim who were unbelieving plotted to kill him.

24 But the mezimma (evil design, intrigue) of their kesher (plot) became known to Rav Sha’ul. And they were also watching the she’arim (gates) both yomam valailah that they might kill him,

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22 But Rav Sha’ul even more was being strengthened and was confounding the unbelieving Yehudim dwelling in Damascus, by proving that this Yehoshua is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

23 But when yamim rabbim were completed, the ones of the Yehudim who were unbelieving plotted to kill him.

24 But the mezimma (evil design, intrigue) of their kesher (plot) became known to Rav Sha’ul. And they were also watching the she’arim (gates) both yomam valailah that they might kill him,

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