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52 "Which of the Nevi’im (prophets) did your Avot not persecute? And they killed the ones having announced beforehand about the Bias HaMoshiach, the coming of the Tzaddik of whom now you became bogedim and rotzechim (murderers);

53 "You who received the Torah at the directions of malachim and were not shomer of it."

54 And hearing these things, they were infuriated in their levavot, and they were grinding their teeth at him.

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52 "Which of the Nevi’im (prophets) did your Avot not persecute? And they killed the ones having announced beforehand about the Bias HaMoshiach, the coming of the Tzaddik of whom now you became bogedim and rotzechim (murderers);

53 "You who received the Torah at the directions of malachim and were not shomer of it."

54 And hearing these things, they were infuriated in their levavot, and they were grinding their teeth at him.

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