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16 "But this is what has been spoken by Yoel HaNavi;

17 `And it shall be in the Acharit Hayamim, ne’um Hashem, ESHPOCH ES RUCHI AL KOL BASAR V’NIB’U BNEICHEM U’VENOTEICHEM ZIKNEICHEM CHALOMOT YACHALOMUN BACHUREICHEM CHEZYONOT YIRU ("I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your bochrim will see visions": Yoel 3:1 [2:28]) [Num 11:25; Isa 44:3; Ezek 39:29]

18 ‘And upon My avadim and upon My shfakhot in BAYYAMIM HAHEMMAH ESHPOCH ES RUCHI ("in those days I will pour out my Ruach Hakodesh") and they will speak dvarim hanevu’ah:

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16 "But this is what has been spoken by Yoel HaNavi;

17 `And it shall be in the Acharit Hayamim, ne’um Hashem, ESHPOCH ES RUCHI AL KOL BASAR V’NIB’U BNEICHEM U’VENOTEICHEM ZIKNEICHEM CHALOMOT YACHALOMUN BACHUREICHEM CHEZYONOT YIRU ("I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh: and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your bochrim will see visions": Yoel 3:1 [2:28]) [Num 11:25; Isa 44:3; Ezek 39:29]

18 ‘And upon My avadim and upon My shfakhot in BAYYAMIM HAHEMMAH ESHPOCH ES RUCHI ("in those days I will pour out my Ruach Hakodesh") and they will speak dvarim hanevu’ah:

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