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15 "Anashim, why are you doing these things? We also are of the same nature as you, mere men, preaching to you to turn in teshuva from these worthless things to the Elohim Chayyim who made HASHOMAYIM V’ES HAARETZ V’ES HAYAM and all the things in them; [1Sm 12:21; Gn 1:1; Ps 146:6; Ex 20:11]

16 "In the dorot having passed, Hashem allowed all the Goyim to go their own way. [Ps 81:12; Mic 4:5]

17 "And yet Hashem did not leave himself without an eidus (witness) in doing hatovim to you, giving geshem from Shomayim and seasons of bearing p’ri, filling you with okhel and your levavot with simcha." [Dt 11:14; Job 5:10; Ps 65:10; 4:7; 147:20]

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15 "Anashim, why are you doing these things? We also are of the same nature as you, mere men, preaching to you to turn in teshuva from these worthless things to the Elohim Chayyim who made HASHOMAYIM V’ES HAARETZ V’ES HAYAM and all the things in them; [1Sm 12:21; Gn 1:1; Ps 146:6; Ex 20:11]

16 "In the dorot having passed, Hashem allowed all the Goyim to go their own way. [Ps 81:12; Mic 4:5]

17 "And yet Hashem did not leave himself without an eidus (witness) in doing hatovim to you, giving geshem from Shomayim and seasons of bearing p’ri, filling you with okhel and your levavot with simcha." [Dt 11:14; Job 5:10; Ps 65:10; 4:7; 147:20]

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