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23 And they put forward two anashim, Yosef Bar-Sabba, also called Justus, and Mattityahu.

24 And having davened, they said, "Adonoi, you have da’as of the levavot of Kol B’nei Adam. Therefore, show which of these two is your bechirah [1Sm 14:41]

25 "To take the place of this avodas kodesh ministry and Shlichus from which Yehudah turned aside to go to his own place."

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23 And they put forward two anashim, Yosef Bar-Sabba, also called Justus, and Mattityahu.

24 And having davened, they said, "Adonoi, you have da’as of the levavot of Kol B’nei Adam. Therefore, show which of these two is your bechirah [1Sm 14:41]

25 "To take the place of this avodas kodesh ministry and Shlichus from which Yehudah turned aside to go to his own place."

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