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24 When it was time for Rebekah to give birth, she saw that she was carrying twins. 25 The first came out red—his entire body like a hairy blanket—so they named him Esau. 26 His brother followed with his hand clutching Esau’s heel, so they named him Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when Rebekah gave birth to the twins.

27 When the boys grew up, they could not have been more different. Esau became a skillful hunter and preferred to be outdoors. Jacob, on the other hand, grew up to be a contemplative man, content to stay at home. 28 Esau was Isaac’s favorite because he was fond of good meat, but Jacob was Rebekah’s favorite.

29 One day, while Jacob was cooking a stew for dinner, Esau came in from the field. He was tired and hungry.

Esau (to Jacob): 30 Please let me have some of that red stew you have there. I’m famished!

(That’s why he was nicknamed Edom, which means “red.”)

Jacob sees Esau’s weakness and decides to take advantage of the situation.

Jacob: 31 First, you have to sell me your birthright.

Esau: 32 Look! I am about to die of starvation! What good is my birthright to me if I am dead?

Jacob: 33 Swear to me first!

And so Esau swore to Jacob and handed over his rights as the firstborn son. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and lentil stew. Esau ate and drank. When he was satisfied, Esau went his way as if nothing had happened. Esau treated his valuable birthright contemptuously.

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