25 She added, “We have plenty of both straw and fodder, and room to spend the night.”

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(A)Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.

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But he who is noble plans noble things,
    and on noble things he stands.

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19 We have straw and feed for our donkeys, with bread and wine for me and your female servant and the young man with your servants. (A)There is no lack of anything.” 20 And the old man said, (B)“Peace be to you; I will care for all your wants. (C)Only, do not spend the night in the square.” 21 So he brought him into his house and gave the donkeys feed. (D)And they washed their feet, and ate and drank.

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Let a (A)little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, while I bring a morsel of bread, that (B)you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on—(C)since you have come to your servant.” So they said, “Do as you have said.” And Abraham went quickly into the tent to Sarah and said, “Quick! Three seahs[a] of fine flour! Knead it, and make cakes.” And Abraham ran to the herd and took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to a young man, who prepared it quickly. Then he took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them. And he stood by them under the tree while they ate.

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  1. Genesis 18:6 A seah was about 7 quarts or 7.3 liters

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