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16 And I say to you in Christ, walk ye in Spirit, and ye shall not perform the desires of the flesh.

17 For the flesh coveteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these be adversaries together, that ye do not all things that ye will [that ye do not those things, whatever ye will].

18 That if ye be led by Spirit [For if ye be led by the Spirit], ye be not under the law.

19 And the works of the flesh be open, which be fornication, uncleanness, unchastity, lechery,

20 service of false gods [serving to idols, or false gods], witchcrafts, enmities, strivings [strives], indignations, wraths, chidings, dissensions, sects [sects, or heresies],

21 envies, manslayings, drunken-nesses, unmeasurable eatings, and things like to these [gluttonies, and like things to these], which I say to you before, as I have told to you before, for they that do such things, shall not have the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy, peace, patience, long abiding, benignity [benignity, or good will], goodness, mildness, faith,

23 temperance, continence, chastity; against such things is no law.

24 And they that be of Christ, have crucified their flesh with vices and covetings. [Forsooth they that be of Christ, have crucified their flesh with vices and concupiscenes, or covetings.]

25 If we live by Spirit, walk we by Spirit;

26 be we not made covetous of vain glory, stirring each other to wrath, or having envy each to other.

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