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18 (A)“Son of man, (B)eat your bread with quaking, and drink water with trembling and with anxiety. 19 And say to the people of the land, Thus says the Lord God concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the land of Israel: (C)They shall eat their bread with anxiety, (D)and drink water in dismay. In this way (E)her land will be stripped of all it contains, (F)on account of the violence of all those who dwell in it. 20 (G)And the inhabited cities shall be laid waste, and the land shall become a desolation; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

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18 “Son of man, tremble as you eat your food,(A) and shudder in fear as you drink your water. 19 Say to the people of the land: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says about those living in Jerusalem and in the land of Israel: They will eat their food in anxiety and drink their water in despair, for their land will be stripped of everything(B) in it because of the violence of all who live there.(C) 20 The inhabited towns will be laid waste and the land will be desolate. Then you will know that I am the Lord.(D)’”

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