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I will drench the land with your flowing blood
    up to the mountains,
    and the watercourses will be filled with you.(A)

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Their slain shall be cast out,
    and the stench of their corpses shall rise;
    the mountains shall flow with their blood.(A)

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20 And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the winepress, as high as a horse’s bridle, for a distance of about one thousand six hundred stadia.(A)

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Wild oxen shall fall with them
    and young steers with the mighty bulls.
Their land shall be soaked with blood,
    and their soil made rich with fat.(A)

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17 Thus says the Lord, “By this you shall know that I am the Lord.” See, with the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water that is in the Nile, and it shall be turned to blood.(A)

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because they shed the blood of saints and prophets,
    you have given them blood to drink.
It is what they deserve!”

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