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23 You shall not spread a false report. Do not join hands with the wicked to be a malicious witness.

You shall not follow a crowd to do evil. Do not go along with the crowd by testifying in court to pervert justice.

You shall not show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.

If you come upon your enemy’s ox or his donkey going astray, you certainly must bring it back to him again. If you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has fallen down under its load, do not pass him by. You certainly must help him with it.

You shall not deny justice to the poor people among you in their lawsuits.

Keep your distance from a false charge. Do not put those who are innocent and those who are righteous to death, for I will not acquit[a] the wicked.

You shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who have sight and distorts the words of the righteous.

You shall not oppress a resident alien, for you know how it feels to be an alien, because you were aliens in the land of Egypt.

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  1. Exodus 23:7 Or justify