37 Seven days you shall make atonement for the altar and consecrate it, and the (A)altar shall be most holy. (B)Whatever touches the altar shall become holy.

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10 You shall also anoint (A)the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and consecrate the altar, (B)so that the altar may become most holy.

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19 You blind men! For which is greater, the gift or (A)the altar that makes the gift sacred?

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17 You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or (A)the temple that has made the gold sacred?

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The Seventy Weeks

24 (A)“Seventy weeks[a] are decreed about your people and (B)your holy city, to finish (C)the transgression, to put an end to sin, (D)and to atone for iniquity, (E)to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and (F)to anoint a most holy place.[b]

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  1. Daniel 9:24 Or sevens; also twice in verse 25 and once in verse 26
  2. Daniel 9:24 Or thing, or one

28 and the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils and the (A)basin and its stand. 29 You shall consecrate them, that they may be most holy. (B)Whatever touches them will become holy.

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