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Esther 10
International Standard Version
Esther 10
International Standard Version
Other Things King Ahasuerus Did
10 King Ahasuerus imposed tribute[a] on the land and on the islands of the sea. 2 Now as to all the powerful and great deeds of Ahasuerus, along with an exact statement about the high position[b] of Mordecai to which the king promoted him, these things are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia, are they not? 3 Indeed, Mordecai the Jew was second in authority only[c] to King Ahasuerus and was a powerful official[d] among the Jewish people. Mordecai[e] was accepted favorably by his many kinsmen, and he sought the good of his countrymen and spoke out for the welfare of all his people.[f]
- Esther 10:1 I.e. a kind of tax
- Esther 10:2 Lit. greatness
- Esther 10:3 Lit. second to King
- Esther 10:3 Or great
- Esther 10:3 Lit. He
- Esther 10:3 Lit. seed
International Standard Version (ISV)
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