A generation goes and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.(A)
The sun rises and the sun sets;
panting, it hurries back to the place(B)
where it rises.
Gusting to the south,
turning to the north,
turning, turning, goes the wind,(C)
and the wind returns in its cycles.
All the streams flow to the sea,
yet the sea is never full;
to the place where the streams flow,
there they flow again.
All things[a] are wearisome,
more than anyone can say.
The eye is not satisfied by seeing(D)
or the ear filled with hearing.

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  1. 1:8 Or words

19 You will eat bread[a] by the sweat of your brow
until you return to the ground,(A)
since you were taken from it.
For you are dust,
and you will return to dust.”

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  1. 3:19 Or food

24 For

All flesh is like grass,
and all its glory(A) like a flower of the grass.
The grass withers, and the flower falls,

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14 Fire has gone out from its main branch[a]
and has devoured its fruit,
so that it no longer has a strong branch,
a scepter for ruling.(A)

This is a lament and should be used as a lament.”

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  1. 19:14 Lit from the branch of its parts

16 For God loved(A) the world in this way:[a] He gave[b] his one and only(B) Son,(C) so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.(D)

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  1. 3:16 Or this much
  2. 3:16 Or For in this way God loved the world, and so he gave, or For God so loved the world that he gave

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