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16 But they mocked the malachim of Elohim, and despised His words, and derided His nevi’im, until the Chamat Hashem was aroused against His people, until there was no marpeh (remedy, healing).

17 Therefore He brought upon them Melech Kasdim, who slaughtered their bochurim with the cherev in their Beis Mikdash, and had no pity upon bochur or betulah, zaken or the aged man. He gave them all into his yad.

18 And all the kelei Beis HaElohim, hagedolim and haketanim, and the otzerot of the Beis Hashem, and the otzerot HaMelech, and of his sarim; all these he brought to Babylon.

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16 But they mocked the malachim of Elohim, and despised His words, and derided His nevi’im, until the Chamat Hashem was aroused against His people, until there was no marpeh (remedy, healing).

17 Therefore He brought upon them Melech Kasdim, who slaughtered their bochurim with the cherev in their Beis Mikdash, and had no pity upon bochur or betulah, zaken or the aged man. He gave them all into his yad.

18 And all the kelei Beis HaElohim, hagedolim and haketanim, and the otzerot of the Beis Hashem, and the otzerot HaMelech, and of his sarim; all these he brought to Babylon.

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