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12 And brought in the terumah and the ma’aser and the kadashim be’emunah (faithfully), over which Conanyah the Levi was Nagid, and Shimei his brother was mishneh (second).

13 And Yechiel, and Azazyahu, and Nachat, and Asahel, and Yerimot, and Yozavad, and Eliel, and Yismachyah, and Machat, and Benayahu, were pekidim (overseers) under the yad Conanyah and Shimei his brother, by the command of Chizkiyahu HaMelech, and Azaryahu the nagid of the Beis HaElohim.

14 And Kore ben Imnah the Levi, the sho’er (gatekeeper) at the east, was over the nidvot HaElohim (freewill offerings of G-d), to distribute the terumat Hashem, and the kadshei hakadashim.

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12 And brought in the terumah and the ma’aser and the kadashim be’emunah (faithfully), over which Conanyah the Levi was Nagid, and Shimei his brother was mishneh (second).

13 And Yechiel, and Azazyahu, and Nachat, and Asahel, and Yerimot, and Yozavad, and Eliel, and Yismachyah, and Machat, and Benayahu, were pekidim (overseers) under the yad Conanyah and Shimei his brother, by the command of Chizkiyahu HaMelech, and Azaryahu the nagid of the Beis HaElohim.

14 And Kore ben Imnah the Levi, the sho’er (gatekeeper) at the east, was over the nidvot HaElohim (freewill offerings of G-d), to distribute the terumat Hashem, and the kadshei hakadashim.

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